Tuesday, February 21, 2012

La Fiesta De Los Vaqueros Rodeo

One of Jerry's buddies gave us box seats to the rodeo this past Sunday! Yee-haw!! We try to go every year and this year, we are actually going to go twice, last Sunday and this coming Friday. We are taking Jerry's mom on Friday and bought tickets for the VIP tent since she doesn't get around all that great. These are the Catalina Mountains to the north of Tucson. I liked the clouds in this shot.

I took 532 pictures Sunday. That. Is. A. LOT. Of. Pictures. I'm so glad I didn't have to buy film and get it processed like in the "good old days!" Yikes!! I actually got a little bleary eyed going through them all deciding which ones to keep and which ones to post and, just so ya'll know, there will be more rodeo pictures this week. You have been warned! ;-)

First, the Rodeo Queen brought in Old Glory and we had the singing of our National Anthem.

Then, the rodeo got underway with one of our favorite events, bareback riding. Jerry actually did bareback riding back in his 20s. He says he did that as opposed to saddle bronc because he couldn't afford a saddle! :)

Next up was the steer wrestling.

Then came the saddle bronc riding, my second favorite event. I love this picture! :)

The guys had a little trouble with the tie-down roping, I think this cowboy was the only one who got his steer tied within the time limit!

The ladies did an outstanding job in the barrel racing! :)

There was also team roping but we just weren't in a good spot to get any pictures of that event. Of course, we HAD to have a rodeo clown, this guy came all the way from Canada!

It was "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" Sunday at the rodeo to benefit Breast Cancer Research.

And it's always mandatory to put the rodeo clown in the barrel for the bulls to play with! :)

Finally, the event that most everyone really comes to the rodeo to see, the bull riding! The fella in the back with the pink shirt and the black hat is the stock contractor, Bennie Beutler, his family has been providing awesome livestock for rodeos for three generations!

Well, that's it for this week's edition of Tuesday's Tails! Hope ya'll enjoyed the La Fiesta De Los Vaqueros Rodeo!


  1. Such great pictures! I love taking pictures at the rodeo. The last time I got to go, I was still using a film camera. I'm certainly hoping to go this year some time now that I have digital and a better lens and sports mode and continuous shooting. You have me so excited!

  2. Looks like a fun weekend, Candy! Neat pictures and can't wait to see more.

    The Rancher likes Bronc Riding too.

  3. Candy, those photgraphs are amazing! Looking forward to seeing more...;o)

  4. What great photos Candy! I loved the first one of the mountains, and then I scrolled down...you captured some great action shots!
    There aren't any rodeo close by here anymore...when I was a girl, there was a traveling rodeo that stopped locally, but this sure looks like the real thing! Thanks for sharing!

  5. WOW! What great pictures, thank you for sharing.

  6. Wow....those action shots are hard to get -- great job!! Felt like I was right there :-)

  7. GREAT JOB ON THE PICTURES! The one of the bronco rider would be great framed.I am like you I love the Rodeo.

  8. Only slightly envious. Fantastic pis too!

  9. Wow Candy! Those pictures are great! Looks like you had a fun time.

  10. I'm quite positive I'd love a rodeo! AND....a rodeo rider!

    Do any of them come with pony tails....?


    What FUN!

  11. Great photos!!! (though I'm not a rodeo fan)...

  12. Teresa,
    I love going to the rodeo anyway and having the new camera made it about 100 times better! You'll have a blast! :)

    Thanks, stay tuned for more!


    The Tucson rodeo is the first outdoor event of the season, for obvious reasons! LOL!!

  13. Elaine,
    You are very welcome, thanks for looking! :)

    dr momi,
    Thank you!

    Jerry bought some photo paper for the printer so we could print a couple out to frame! :)

    SweetLand Farm,

  14. Kristina,
    We really did have a good time and the weather was pretty good for a change too!

    Why, yes, some DO come with ponytails! Gotta love them cowboys, I know I do! LOL!!


  15. You took some fantastic photos!
    Thank you for sharing them with us. You must have had a wonderful time. :)

  16. These are great! 532 wooweeee thats alot of pics, lol. One day I'm gonna go to a rodeo, I've always wanted to!

  17. Fantastic shots, Candy. And 532 photos isn't really unreasonable. I took 83 of two blackbirds today. Haha! I need help.

  18. I need a better camera, these are GREAT photos! Looks like you had a super day.

  19. LindaG,
    We really did have a great time! :)

    I love going to the rodeo, so much fun! I hope you get to go one day!

    That's too funny! I guess I need help too!

    I absolutely adore my new Nikon D3100, it does all the work for me! ;-)

  20. That is a lot of photos to go through. (I know, I took about 1000 on our little vacation last in January--I'm still sorting through them and am about at teh 500 mark...) I've never been to a rodeo...looks like a lot of fun.

  21. Kateri,
    Jeez, and I thought 500 was a lot of pictures! We really enjoy going to rodeos, I hope you get to attend one some day!

  22. Love rodeos, and love lookin' at cowboys (real ones, not the wanna'be's), but don't tell the hubby. Oh wait, he already knows. I got the chance to volunteer behind the scenes this year at a Bulls and Barrels Event in our town, and worked my tail off but had a ball. Great pictures.


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