Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Since I have more pictures from the rodeo that I would like to share with y'all I thought it would be fun to link up with Wordless Wednesday at Photograpgy by Kent Weakley this week. I really like this series of pictures of one of the saddle bronc riders and feel that they don't really need any words! :)


  1. How cool was it to get to go to that rodeo!! Wish we were there, but we'll just look at the pictures you were nice enough to post. Thanks!

  2. I hope you are going to offer these pictures to the Saddle Bronc Cowboy. He appreciate them especiallt the one where he's full out extented. Great pictures.

  3. i have such a mixed feeling about rodeos. i get a pain in the pit of my stomach...

  4. Great images...I don't get the whole rodeo thing-maybe because I'm a Maine girl, but you got some wonderful action shots here.

  5. LindaG,

    Carolyn Renee,
    You are welcome!

    That's a good idea, thanks for the tip!

    Thank you! :)

  6. TWG,
    I used to be the same but as I have learned about rodeo, I have found out that the animals are really treated well. The stock contractor was right there with every contestant to see that everything was being done properly. They consider the animals partners athletes and have great respect for them.

  7. Dorian Susan,
    It is primarily a western thing! :)

    Thanks! :)

  8. I photograph our local rodeo each July and have a series of a rider getting bucked off. I'm always amazed at the situations horses get themselves into and then get out of!

  9. Evelyn,
    The guys did pretty good staying on the horses but I did get some pictures of cowboys getting bucked off the bulls. The horse in this series never missed a beat, just jumped right up and carried on! LOL!!

  10. Wow - that's all I can say! Great pictures!!

  11. Mama Tea,
    Thanks, I had a blast taking them!

    Thank you very much! :)


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