Thursday, March 29, 2012

Riding Lesson

We took Dallas (and Candy!) over to our friend, Joe's, place for a little schooling. First, Joe made ME put the bridle on...I know, I know, but Jerry has always done it for me! (blush) THEN, Joe made me get on without a mounting block!! Oh, the indignity of it all! At least Jerry didn't get a picture of me struggling up into the saddle! LOL!!

Here, I'm getting a little "preflight" instruction.

"C'mon, Dallas, let's go!"

We're walking...we're walking...

"Whoa, Dallas...good boy!"

Joe is trying to break me of some bad holding onto the saddle horn when the horse goes faster than a walk. He's right, I don't need it! ;-) We are also trying to break Dallas of some bad being lazy. That's why I have the "bat," Joe doesn't believe in kicking a horse, just tap him gently on the rump.

Here, I'm getting some "post-flight" input. Joe said I did good, I bridled the horse myself, I got on without a mounting block, I trotted without holding onto the saddle horn and I got off on the right, or opposite side, of the horse.

Dallas is just glad school is over for the day!

Linking up with Lisa and Nancy for Rural Thursday and Deb and Heidi for Farmgirl Friday.


  1. What a great narrative to go with those great photos! Good for you!

  2. Great post. Good for you and Dallas, whoop, whoop!

  3. I love the look on Dallas's face!

  4. Yeah for you, Candy! Looks like you had a beautiful day for schooling.

    I like your B&W pict too!

  5. at this point in my life, i'd appreciate a lazy horse. :)

  6. Looks like a fun time. Dallas seems very well mannered.

  7. Ha Ha Ha, that last photo is just so funny. Captured his true character there.
    What a smart horse he is !!

  8. That looks like fun. I like the smile on Dallas's face!

  9. Good for you Candy! Great to see you in the saddle! I hope there are many more days of you and Dallas enjoying a ride. :)

  10. Loving the horse laugh! You ought to frame that one!

  11. What fun! I'm kinda jealous. :) That last photo is hysterical. Love it!

  12. Way to go Candy, I too have trouble getting up to the saddle. You look good! Keep it up!

  13. What a face on that last it! Looks like a fun time!

  14. You'll do fine, Candy! I did some of that same stuff when I first learned to ride, but once you get the hang of it, it's a blast. Good looking horse, too!

  15. Back in the sadle again (and looking mighty fine, Candy!)
    :) -Jaime

  16. Hooray for you and Dallas! I love that smile.

  17. Way to go!!! Dallas seems to be a trusting and patient soul. A lil' bit lazy is better than a rocket with no whoa!

  18. Thanks everyone for the nice comments! Dallas is a real sweetheart, I rode him today (Friday) and he was even better than he was on Wednesday! :)

  19. so happy for you! back in the saddle again! oh it must feel so good!! soon you'll be galloping down a dusty dirt trail!

  20. You go girl! Love that you are learning to ride! Dallas looks like a "good boy " too! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Oh, I loved this post! Looks like the two of you are going to do so nicely together! I haven't ridden in SOOO many years! I have a couple of funny horse stories but I won't go into them now...maybe if we ever get to meet!

    My eye is better but that's because I had some of the eyedrops left from before. Still need to check in with the Dr. No, I have not been to the Chantilly Tea Room! I will look it up!


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