Monday, March 5, 2012

Seeds Sprouting, Blackberry Bushes and Harvesting

Plants have sprouted in all the tomato cells! YAY!! The eggplant are just coming up and some of the peppers are starting to sprout. Some of these seeds are three years old so I wasn't too sure what kind of success I was going to have.

I also put out some onion sets last week and they are doing great!

I have been wanting to plant blackberries for awhile now. I'm not sure this variety is really going to do well here in our growing zone so I only bought two plants.

And, finally, I have been harvesting a few radishes here and there! Radishes are such a gratifying crop to grow, only 30 days to harvest! ;-)

I still have everything in the garden, except the onions, covered with lightweight frost cloth to keep the birds from eating it all. It's pretty cool because the sun shines through, I can water right through the cloth and it will help to keep the bugs out! Linking up to Macro Monday at Lisa's Chaos.


  1. Heaven!
    Spring is absolute heaven!

  2. Mimi,
    I agree wholeheartedly! :)

  3. Hope your blackberry bushes flourish!

  4. It's hard to believe that spring is this close! It's great to see green again!

  5. ya,ya,ya....tell us about how
    c-o-l-d it is there LOL!

  6. Guess I should try to plant some of the tomato and pepper seeds I saved from a couple years ago. Planted a lot 2 years ago in little peat pot / covered trays, sprouted so good out on the deck railing, ooops, forgot and left them out there in the wind .... not a good idea. Ok back to the drawing boards on seed starting. I do have a bunch of old windows and concrete blocks, that would protect them in case of wind. May try that.

  7. It's all looking so wonderful! Certainly spring has come to your part of the world.

  8. Clint,

    Thanks, me too!

    We are enjoying the greening up!

    Don't give up, spring will come even to the far north! :)

  9. dr momi,
    Uh, in the 80s today but it is supposed to cool back down to the 60s by Wednesday! ;-)

    Tombstone Livestock,
    Sounds like something I would do! LOL!!

    Yes it has, kinda early though!

  10. Your radishes look great, so nice to see some spring color again.

  11. We are on the same wavelength. I have herb sprout photos I am going to be posting this week. I just love the new babies. Nice to see radishes already : )

  12. Love that photo of the radishes!

    Happy MM

  13. The weathermen around here have officially stated Spring will be early this year. Ya think? :)

  14. Kristi,
    Spring is here, for us anyway!

    I think a lot of us are posting seed sprouting photos this week! ;-)


  15. Tatjana,
    Thank you! :)


    Oh man, that is just tooo funny! LOL!!

  16. Wishing I had radishes! Too cold still, 23 tonite and snowed this morning...

  17. nancypo,
    No snow here, just stinkin' wind! :(

  18. Good luck with your blackberries! If you know some gardeners around your area, you should see if they want to get all of the canes that they are pruning this spring. Most people around here have so many that they just end up burning them!

  19. Prairie Cat,
    Wow, what a great idea! I will have to check around! :)


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