Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Photo - Violas

I love Violas! They are the flowers that modern Pansies were derived from. The blooms are much smaller, measuring about 3/4-inch, and the plants are only 2 to 3 inches tall. Yep, I laid on my stomach in the yard to take these pictures! ;-)

Violas are also called Johnny Jump Ups and Heartsease. This purple, yellow and white combination is the most common but I have also seen them in shades of orange, yellow and white.

I haven't actually planted any Violas in several years but I always have a few volunteers show up in the yard because they self seed so easily. To encourage a longer blooming season, pinch off the dead flowers.

Linking up with Madge for Weekly Top Shot, Jan for Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday, Nancy for Your Sunday Best and Lisa for Macro Monday.


  1. I know how it is getting on your belly for those shots LOL! Love violas.

  2. I love the violas. They are so little and cheerful to have in a garden.

  3. Your photos are wonderful. I love the colors of the Violas.
    sometimes we do crazy things to get the perfect shot. I know I have gotten a few strange looks while taking photos. But, it is what I love doing.
    Happy Sunday!!

  4. we used to have johnny jump ups in my mother's flower beds in Wis. :)

  5. Very pretty little flowers. Thanks for sharing them. :o)

  6. I planted a few of these in my perennial bed on year, and they quickly took over! They are pretty, but it took me forever to get them under control! :)

  7. How lovely and sweet, their faces so wrapped in color.

  8. Violas are indeed marvelous little flowers. They are so vibrant in color, and so cheerful! Love your photos of them!

  9. Wonderful captures. Love these flowers.

  10. Oh my gosh, those are sweet~! I love violas and pansies! Thanks Candy, for coming by and sharing on 'Weekly Top Shot.' I hope you come share again...

  11. Hi Candy, Spectacular volunteer Viola Johnny Jump-ups! They are very beautiful! Have a wonderful day tomorrow! Happy gardening!

  12. So pretty! Mine are yellow and white. For some reason the purple ones haven't reseeded themselves.

  13. So cheery and beautiful. Can't wait until we see some here!

  14. It is so strange..I just did a post about Violas. Then I see that you did too. Hum...I think we both love them.

  15. I have the purple variety -- these are much prettier. Great macro shots, Candy!

    Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best. :)

  16. Lovely shots of my favorite flowers.

  17. Great photos! I never think about planting these but I should because they are such delightful (and hardy) little flowers!


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