Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday's Fences #26

I have a gate for today's Friday's Fences, I hope that is okay. There is a fence attached to it! :)

This is the entry gate of the property belonging to the people we bought Dallas from last week. When we went to pick him up, I just had to take the camera along to get some pictures of this cool gate! I asked the husband how he got the saddle and boots up there, he used the backhoe. Duh! I like the cow skull on the side too. Here is a close-up of the metal cut-out on top.

Linking up with Life According to Jan and Jer for Friday's Fences. Oh yeah, I have been riding Dallas for the past three days and I'm still here to tell about it! LOL!! He is a whole lot little spoiled but he is getting over it. I guess the grandkids had mostly been riding him and he had figured out that he could pretty much do what he wanted, which seems to have been as little as possible. Not anymore buck-o! ;-) He really is a nice horse and once he figures out that I am now in charge he's going to be great!


  1. i do like that gate! i post gates all the time for friday's fences. :)

  2. I always love this type of entry gate; very western. Glad to hear Dallas is working out.

  3. I agree. Glad to hear your new horse is working out.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures, too. I love the little stagecoach. :o)

  4. I like this gate! We don't have anything like that around here, so thanks for sharing from your corner of the world! :)

  5. it's so decorative. i like it a lot. great for out west. (:

  6. Love the gate, thanks for taking pictures and sharing. Glad he used a backhoe to get saddle up there vs. bucking horse putting it there, LOL. Have fun on your new horse.

  7. I love that, Candy! Especially the little saddle on the corner. Great find!

  8. I really like that gate! We don't have anything like that around here...thanks for showing it to us!

  9. That wrought-iron cutout is just too cute!

  10. Beautiful gate.

    Regards and best wishes

  11. Gate and fence decorations sure bring out the inner artist in farmers and ranchers, doesn't it? This one has just a lot of charm and whimsey. Good luck with your spoiled boy.

  12. I just love metal craft. Looks great. We need some horse pictures
    : )

  13. Envying your horseback riding!

  14. Of course you can post a gate..I love to see them also. this one is cool with the fancey adornment on top!

  15. This is an awesome gate! Wonderful for Fridays Fences. You do see a lot of gates on FF. I think the saddle and boots are such a nice touch, and I love the iron artwork at the top! Really nice!

  16. The backhoe comment made me smile. My husband would have used a loader. :)

  17. It's a great gate!! It says a lot about the place I think.


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