Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday, #7 "Hey, those are MY eggs!"

I have one hen who is very vocal when I try to get eggs out from underneath her...she literally starts screeching at me as soon as I open the door to the hen house! LOL!! She is so funny, she gets all puffed up too! I usually laugh at her and pet her and then leave her alone and gather her eggs later.

This is Dolores, my only chicken with a name. She is 7 years old this year and she still lays eggs! She has given us 3 nice eggs in the past 10 days. She laid 8 or so eggs last spring which really surprised me! :) Hers is the green one in the basket below.

The 10 girls gave us 10 eggs yesterday, I think that was a new record for us! I am very thankful today and every day for my lovely chickens and all the yummy eggs they give us!!

Linking up with Nancy at A Rural Journal and Lisa at Two Bears Farm for Rural Thursday.


  1. Congratulations on all the eggs!
    Good to know about hens and eggs, that is funny. :o)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice looking eggs! And they're pretty girls too. I especially like the top photo :)

    (made a typo and had to re-comment)

  4. wow! ten today.
    I have 5 hens and am getting 4 on average daily...somebody isn't helping out.
    Two of my hens are older-- and on occasion I get 5 in a day.Your post makes me think one of the older hens is slowing down a bit.
    Of the 13 hens we bought last week...we'll be integrating 3 to the flock.
    all the others will be integrated to the freezer. ;)

  5. I have been eating so many eggs lately I may have to go get some chickens one more time. Plus the dogs can eat the eggs I don't.... Just what I need ... more critters.

  6. nancypo,
    I can spend quite a bit of time just watching the chickens, they are such characters!

    Thanks, they are fun!

    Thanks! The first picture is the hen scolding me for bothering her! LOL!!

  7. TWG,
    They really are!

    Freezer integration works too! LOL!!

    At least chickens are pretty low maintenance and just think of all those lovely eggs! :)

  8. Mine have just started to lay good. But it is still cold here. I only have 5 hens so 2 to 3 eggs a day isn't bad. We were only getting 1 to 2.

  9. She's saying, "you are taking my future babies I want to hatch..." :)

    I have a good setting hen too and she pecks at me when I take her eggs.

  10. Wow, I had no idea they could still lay eggs at that age! Dolores is amazing!

  11. Dolores is such a good girl still laying eggs! And such pretty ones, too!

  12. Dolores is a wonderful name for a hen.

  13. Very nice sweet post on your chickies... yay for 10 eggs from 10 girls :)

  14. Such a cute Broody! Our chickens (hens) Brood all the time in spring and in summer.


  15. Wow! Seven years old and still laying! They must be very happy chickens. I have one who carries on something awful if I even look like I might be approaching her nesting box! They are a hoot!

  16. its mad to see that each of those eggs are a different shade on colour to the next.
    I think my Gem would like to keep chickens some day, best i not show her these sweet ladies.

  17. She does look like she's chewing you out. I have one or two that have started getting snippy with me about taking their eggs.

  18. One thing I wanted when we got a place to live was a chicken coop...but alas, it didn't work out. We just didn't move far enough out of town. If we do end up moving again, farther out, I will have my chicken coop, though! I love chickens and I love the idea of gathering my own eggs. How nice that you have so many great layers!

  19. She looks like she wants to set. A couple of years ago, I had a hen that went broody and she would get oh, so mad when I took the eggs out from under her. (I finally had mercy on her and got her some fertilized eggs to hatch.)


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