Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Abigail and Kids - Update

Abigial is doing very good now, she is eating well and is back to her normal self.

Unfortunately, the little doeling died this morning. She was fine all day Monday, nursing, hopping around and starting to play with her brothers. On Tuesday morning, when we went down to the barn, she was off by herself and looking listless. I put her next to her mom so she could nurse and she half-heartedly went for the teat but would never latch on. I fixed her a bottle from Madeline's milk and made sure she got some milk. We kept checking on her throughout the day and fed her but she kept getting weaker. She went downhill pretty quickly and, unfortunately, we do not have a vet in the area who will deal with goats. The little doe died in my arms this morning when I was getting ready to give her a bottle. I tell you, this part of having animals really sucks...

Anyway, both the boys are doing REALLY well and Abigail is being a good mom. She is very attentive and they are both getting plenty to eat and seem to be thriving.

I hope to get back on schedule with my blog tomorrow. Thanks everyone for your comments, suggestions and well wishes. 


  1. Oh, Candy, I am so sorry you lost the little girl, but I am happy to hear that Abigail and the two boys are doing fine now! It has to be hard having the care of farm animals. I don't know what that's like...only pets. It I know was sad to lose that little one that way.

  2. Oh no, so sorry to hear that. The worst part in keeping animals is that some will be lost :( Goats sure do go downhill fast - usually there's nothing you can do once they start showing signs, in my (limited) experience. Wishing you all the best with those two boys, and so glad mama goat is doing well.

  3. Sorry to hear about Lily. Sending a big hug to you. Glad to hear that Abigal is back to her normal self. Hope the 2 boys continue to get strong.

  4. Ooo Candy... so sorry, your right this part does suck. My very 1st goat was a 1 - 2 day old doeling whos the momma rejected I tried to make her better but within 2 or 3 days of me having her she died in my arms, I cried like a big baby, it was so sad & heartbreaking. Hugs. Thats good the lil bucklings are doin good & Abigail.

  5. i'm so sorry. i hope the boys will grow big and strong...

  6. I'm playing catch up today on my blog reading and I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Candy. Yes, raising animals has it's heart-breaking moments. Bless your heart.

  7. That is the sucky part of farming isn't it? It's like with the barn cats. I try not to take a head-count too often :(

    At least the boys are doing well.


  8. Aww, that is so sad!!! I agree losing a little friend is the worst part of having animals. I get attached easily and it's hard when something happens to them. Hugs!

  9. I wish more people would take an interest in being a large animal vet.
    *hugs* ♥

  10. One thing we never seem to think about when looking at a new little critter that they can suffer from birth defects and some are not noticeable. It is even harder when we think they are getting along fine and then slip away. First 3 days seem to be most critical. So sorry.

  11. So sorry about Lily, Candy. I agree - we do need more large animal vets and more vets who will step outside of their comfort zone to help. These losses are hard to bear. I am glad everyone else is doing well, though. Hugs to you.

  12. Very sorry for your loss. I know, after going through this a few times myself, that some things are just not meant to be. My heart hurts.

  13. It's never easy to lose one. So sorry. Chances are there is nothing a vet could have done to help. It sounds a lot like some kind of defect. Glad the boys are doing well.

  14. Oh dear. I'm sorry, Candy. Sometimes Mother Nature just breaks our hearts. Abigail probably understands what happened better than us people. Much love to you all.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about're right, that's the hard part about animals...and loving them all so much.

    Give momma and the boys an extra hug to heal your soul~

  16. Sorry for your loss. It's never easy to loose an animal.
    I'm glad that Abigail is going better, and the boys are thriving!

  17. I don't know how I missed this post- I saw your comment on another blog. I'm so very sorry!

  18. I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I'm glad the two boys are okay, though.


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