Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rural Thursday #12

This very nice, working windmill is right beside the road on the way to Tombstone. There was still quite a bit of "bushwhacking" involved to get the angle I wanted and I'm sure the people driving by were wondering "What the heck is that crazy woman taking pictures of out there in the mesquites?!?" :)

Linking up with Lisa and Nancy for Rural Thursday.


  1. ooh, can never get enough windmill pics. thanks for braving the brush!

  2. Great photo. Thanks for sharing it. :o)

  3. Oh cool! I never see windmills around here.

  4. Thanks for sharing, they are very few and far between, but I think there may be some around here still, I need to take camera with me more often. That way when there is an opportunity I could be prepared.

  5. Oh, what we do for art! LOL! That is a great photograph. The only windmills we have around here are the size of the Queen Mary and annoy the heck out of me.

  6. LoL! I know what you mean, I think about that, too. You got some great shots, tho, well worth the work =)

  7. Love windmills, especially old ones that groan and whine. Great photo!

  8. We love old windmills. Hubz would love to have one on our place someday. Nice pics!

  9. Windmills are so cool. It almost looks like the stand is wood? Thanks for doing the legwork to bring this to us : )

  10. These are great pictures! I hate that my windmill is surrounded by all kinds of stuff that get in the way of taking pictures.

  11. Love the angle of your shot. I go thru the same things to get photos. I've given up thinking about what others are wondering.

  12. one reason i have always wanted to own my own farm. to have a windmill. so cool to have your own monogram there. neat!! (:

  13. Oh, I love windmills. I would to have one here on the farm. I an sorry for your loss of Lily. We also lost a newborn calf one time. It is so sad for us, because we love all our animals.

  14. Wish my wind mill look that good. The wind destroyed it this year

  15. Gorgeous shots of the windmill, Candy! I wish we had them around here.

  16. Always love seeing complete windmills in good working order. Most around here have fallen into disrepair or have been vandalized.

  17. Hey, ya do watcha gotta do...and ya done well too!!!

    I love cool that it has the ranch name on the tail too...nice touch.

  18. oh, yes! I love old wind mills, too. There is one I pass quite frequently--but I would have to to tresspass to get a decent photo of it--and even though it looks like it is on abandonded land, I'm too sure I want to do that. :) Love your photos1

  19. Great windmill. I love it! I sometimes get tickled when I stop to take a picture and get funny looks! :-) Especially when I am photographing something many people take for granted because they see it every day! Learning to appreciate all the joys in this world is always fun!


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