Friday, April 13, 2012

Birthday Cake

Yesterday was Jerry's birthday so I made him a birthday cake! :) I made a Buttermilk Chocolate cake with Chocolate Buttermilk frosting, both recipes from my Better Homes and Gardens Old-Fashioned Home Baking cookbook. The fun part was in the assembly! I have an old booklet from Baker's Coconut & Chocolate called Party Cut-Up Cakes. The booklet was my mom's and is copyright 1968. She would make our birthday cakes using the ideas from this little book. I combined the hobby horse and the giraffe to make this horse. I didn't have any licorice to make the cute headstall, reins and tail but I think he looks okay and Jerry liked him and that is what is important! :)


How cute is this duck!?!

Linking up to the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop.


  1. Very are an artist! I'd almost hate to eat it...but then my love of chocolate would win in the end! :)

  2. I think you did a fantastic job!
    Happy Friday and a belated Happy Birthday to Jerry!

  3. Happy Birthday, Jerry!
    Great cake, Candy!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I swear my mom had the same book!!! Yes, you did a great job!!! I'm sure it was tasty too.

    Happy Birthday Jerry!

  5. Chocolate chips go with chocolate cake much better than licorice. Good Job!

  6. really cute! i agree - chips go better than licorice! love the mane!

  7. what a great looking cake!!! happy birthday to your hubby!

  8. That is so adorable! I'm amazed at how creative you are.

  9. That's really cute! Sometimes the older cookbooks still have the best ideas.

  10. Very cute ideas for cakes. Will you be posting the cake and frosting recipe. I would love to make this cake.

  11. YOU are a cake artist! Really cute!!! And it looks delicious!!! Oh, wait, now I'm craving cake... um, I mean, I'm craving a piece of horse neck, with mane, please....!

  12. My mom has/had this booklet and made the horse cake for my sister way back in the day! So cute. :)

  13. What a cute cake! What memories! Our growing up birthdays were so special.
    your Bro'

  14. I love it! So clever. Happy birthday, Jerry :)

  15. Oh my gosh, I knew at first look at your cake what book it was made from... my mom had that same booklet... I think I have it now, I'd have to go look! Save me a piece...

  16. I love those old fun cookbooks...

  17. Love this! I think it belongs in the book : )

  18. That is the CUTEST birthday cake! I just think it is adorable! How wonderful that you have your Mom's cookbook!

  19. OMG I'm pretty sure my mom had that very same book when I was a kid (and probably still does!). She made the most wonderful animal cakes for our birthdays - and that giraffe looks really familiar. I love that you have a copy - and are using it! Your cake is fantastic! :)


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