Monday, April 23, 2012

Garden Update - April

The turnips and rutabagas are doing well.

We had mashed potatoes and turnips with our meatloaf the other day. YUM!!

The spinach is starting to bolt already but I'm still harvesting. The Romaine and onions are doing well.

It all made a nice salad with the last of the first crop of radishes.

The snow peas are really producing! Some went into a stir fry with shrimp and lemon recently. I'm working on harvesting enough for peas with leeks and bacon using the snow peas and regular peas.

The strawberries seem happy.

I'm going to have to cover them soon to keep the birds from eating them! :)

My "perennial" oregano is coming back nicely. I planted some thyme seeds in another bucket and they are just now starting to come up.

The dill re-seeded itself and I moved a couple of plants so that they are all in one location.

This was my original herb bed and there is still parsley, lemon thyme and wormwood going strong from the original planting about five years ago. I added onions and chives last year.

Finally, I re-potted the tomatoes, eggplant and peppers last week and they are all doing really well. I plan to put them out the second week in May. I will plant my summer squash, melons and beans from seed the beginning of May. Well, that is my update, how is your garden doing? Linking up with Heidi for the Country Garden Showcase this week! :)


  1. You have been busy, Candy!

    I have not made any progress on my container gardening. I was going to get the containers ready last weekend, but was busy with cattle work. Saturday afternoon was super windy anyway.

    Saturday night/Sunday morn we had some frost. So, I am not in a huge hurry ... yet.

  2. the turnips are really pretty. and those radishes look yummy!

  3. Those pictures make me so anxious for spring! At least they give me hope! Beautiful garden!

  4. We've been harvesting radishes...just pull them out, wipe them off and pop them in your mouth!...but nothing else is ready yet. I really like your herb garden. Is it planted inside of those blocks to help protect it from harsh weather?

  5. Your gardens look so wonderful! I haven't even started cleaning mine off. I feel horribly behind in that area.

  6. Looks great! Everything young, tender and oh so fresh!

  7. I agree. Your gardens look fantastic!
    Have a wonderful week. ♥

  8. I have tons of basil ready to go out in a couple of weeks....

  9. Love rutabagas in a stew! Your garden is going to be awesome this year, Candy. :)

  10. What do you do with your turnips? Mash them in with the potatoes or separate? We've combined them before but don't eat too many of these. Sometimes put them in with the collards.

  11. OK, so only a little envious. Everything looks great! Love the herb garden.
    I like the idea of the old plastic jugs for a bigger pot for the tomatoes. Never even gave that a thought. My husband just replanted our tomatoes tonight!

  12. Whoa! your garden is looking so great. That herb garden, Is it planted in hay-dite block bed?
    Your strawberries look promising. We just got a plant going in the wash pot. I hope it does well.

    We've got radishes..but the lettuce and spinach, ...well, they had to be replanted for some reason.

    have a great week! Garden looks great.


  13. Don't you just love salads from the garden. They taste so much better then the bag kind. I eat more salad from my garden then I ever did before my garden.

  14. Wow, your garden is really coming along! Not much in mine, yet. I did make our first rhubarb pie of the season on Sunday, and have peas, patotes, onions, lettuce and spinach in the ground. (only the peas are coming up so far.)

  15. I'm visiting from My Simple Country Living linky. It looks like you have a wonderful supply of plants to keep you busy ☺ We are planting most of the 'regular' veggies, but also trying some new plants. One that I'm really excited about is the Stevia and Mustard Seeds. I can't wait to see if we can get them producing ☺

  16. What is your secret!!!? You and I are going to have to talk vegetable garden when I see you! I can't believe you just planted some thyme seeds in a bucket and they are fine! I babied some seed last year and they were so fragile, I finally lost the little seedlings. I also want to get an idea of the temps mention you are cooler there, and I know you are south of me. We have a lot to discuss! :-)

  17. hi candy,
    Your garden is progressing nicely. I LOVE your herb garden bed. Is wormwood hard to grow? Your transplants look fabulous in your sunny window. I plan to set my tomatoes out in a few weeks too. Things are going to start growing fast around here when it warms up. Have a great week. Thanks so much for sharing.



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