Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday's Tails - 4/24/2012

"What are YOU lookin' at?!?"


  1. I think I'd rather look at this guy than what I saw peeking at me from a hole in our basement wall this afternoon!! (A baby groundhog had tunneled through from under the porch, following a water pipe into the basement!) Talk about "Eeeeek!"

  2. Good camera shot..I'll bet he'd be gone in a flash!

  3. Totally cool photo! And he is posing perfectly for you. :)

  4. I found one of these guys dead on the edge of my back porch the other day. I can't imagine why he died! He was dried, and I entertained the thought of saving him for my grandson to see, and then realized the ants were already doing their work, so I threw him over the back fence. I wish I knew what killed him and left him intact like that! They are really pretty lizards!

  5. What a cute little fellow (or girl I guess)!

  6. Pretty... my boys have always loved lizards. They would catch em when they were younger & it would be their pet for a few days, then we would let it go.

  7. I love the lizards! This one was posing really nicely.

  8. Great capture...the ones around here scamper away so quickly, I never get a shot at them.


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