Friday, May 18, 2012

Breakfast Parfait

My favorite breakfast...homemade goat milk yogurt, strawberries fresh from the garden and homemade Maple Granola. It looks even prettier when served up in my Redneck Wine Glass that I bought from one of the vendors at the La Fiesta De Los Vaqueros Rodeo a few months ago! :)

Isn't that just about the cutest thing you've ever seen? It's a canning jar affixed to a stem, I'm not sure of the method used. The lid and ring were included to "keep the bugs out of your wine!" She had half pint and pint glasses, I figured I better go for the smaller one if I was going to be drinking wine out of it! LOL!!
Linking up with Heidi and Deb for Farmgirl Friday, Lisa for Farm Fresh Friday and Tayet for Forever Farmgirls Friday.


  1. i do love the redneck wine glass. :)

  2. that looks yummy and i love that redneck wine glass!

  3. That breakfast looks perfect, and I love the wine glass. I might have to find me one of them there fancy glasses!

  4. Now, where did i but my wine glass !!!!

    That does look very tempting though

    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  5. Your breakfast looks great. :o)
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. that looks really good. i have the same kinda breakfast, only not in a fancy glass like yours!!

  7. I'm STILL having problems with making yogurt with the goat milk. I can never get it even "store-bought" thick and I like it even thicker, like Greek-style. I just bought a yogurt maker and am trying that just this evening to see if it will work any better than my hot water in the cooler method.

    Mind sharing your method??

  8. Now that is just smart - a lid for your wine glass : ) I am going to have to check out your granola recipe. This looks so healthy and good!

  9. I wish that I lived closer so that I could taste that it looks so good!

  10. That looks so good! Love the redneck wine glass, too!

  11. CR,
    I use the recipe from "Goats Produce Too - The Udder Real Thing" by Mary Jane Toth.

    Vanilla Yogurt
    1 quart goat milk
    1/2 cup powdered milk
    1/3 cup sugar
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    2 tablespoons plain greek style yogurt

    I make it from the milk I just brought in from milking, so it is already warm. I tried using the freeze-dried yogurt culture but it doesn't come out as thick as when using the store bought greek style yogurt. I just mix everything up in the yogurt maker containter and let it "cook" for 7 to 8 hours then refrigerate and use it the next day. Once you make a batch, you can save a couple of tablespoons to use for a "starter" for your next batch.
    Hope that helps! :)

  12. Yummy! I love your breakfast, and the glass is really cute. I can't wait for some of my fresh strawberries.

  13. That looks so delicious! Fresh,Fresh, Fresh!! And pretty fancy in that redneck wine glass! I laughed at the included lid (that comes in handy during bug season) Thanks so much for sharing with Farm Fresh Friday, I'm raising my wine glass to ya right now!!

  14. I saw one of those redneck wine glasses- how funny is that? The parfait looks wonderful!

  15. Oh, that looks SO YUMMY! By the way, love the goat cheese! I'm sure goat yogurt is delicious too! And the glass is just too cute!

  16. Ah, the multipurpose canning jar... love your shots... Sorry I been so quiet these last couple weeks, I’ve been really ill (now finally diagnosed with Whooping Cough even though I was immunized) and have had another very rough week.

  17. Love those Red Neck Wine glasses, and well, ANYthing with goat milk has to be good, right? :)

  18. Love the glass! I've never seen anything like that! Now I badly want a set for myself!


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