Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Photo - Little House In The Desert

I love this little house on the edge of the Mescal movie set. I love the style, the color, the porch, the shingled roof, the chimney. Wait a minute, the chimney looks kind of strange up near the top...

Dang movie props anyway!! Seeing as how it's made out of OSB board with styrofoam "rocks" glued on, I guess it wouldn't be a very good idea to use the fireplace, eh?!? Oh well, it's still a cute little dream house, from a distance! ;-)

Linking up with Madge for Weekly Top Shot, Jan for Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday, and Nancy for Your Sunday Best.


  1. So cute! I love that you ratted them out on their chimney.

  2. Haha. Definitely one to not inspect too close. ;o)

  3. Ha! Well, guess that just proves that all that glitters is not gold, eh? :)

  4. One thing about movie/hollywood props is that after one has seen the tricks used, you want to peer closely at everything! Lol, love that shot! Thank you Candy, for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #31!

  5. I was thinking the chimney looked like it was made of gingerbread. That would be better than OSB and styrofoam! really cute little house, though.

  6. You get to see the most interesting things. I love this set imagine. The things you post and are around are so interesting to me. Thanks Candy.

  7. It really is a cute little house...too bad it's not "authentic"! :)

  8. They did a pretty good job at creating the illusion! :)

  9. I will keep trying....but I can't see a single picture! This computer problem is infuriating!!!!!

  10. Haven't heard of the movie Mescal, but I'll be watching for it & I'll be sure to check out the chimney! LoL! =)


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