Monday, May 21, 2012

Garden Update - 5/21/2012

The pepper, eggplant and tomato starts got planted over the weekend. I was looking back over my blog from around this time last year and I am LOT further behind this year!

I also got seeds in the ground for bush beans, cantaloupe, chard, zucchini and Kakai pumpkins. I put the tomatoes in my square foot boxes this year to see if that helps hold the moisture in when watering.

Of course, I got all this finished JUST in time for our hottest week of the year with temps near 100 for the next few days and windy conditions predicted towards the end of the week.  :(

I also pulled all the turnips and rutabagas and half of the snow peas so that I would have somewhere to plant the summer produce. The chickens were very happy to see the greens! :) Now, I just need to cook all those rutabagas and turnips! LOL!!

My herbs in the pots are all doing VERY well! The volunteer dill and cilantro are already going to seed! The basil was a little slow to get going but it is doing great now and my thyme I started from seed is starting to grow pretty well too.

I think my favorite herb is the oregano that comes back in it's pot every spring, plus I love cooking with it! :)

Linking up with Heidi this week for The Country Garden Showcase.


  1. eek! 100s. i know ours aren't far behind...

  2. I think the crazy winter is to blame for the late start on some of the veggies.
    I'm like a late start on some things too. I hoping to finish it all up before it gets to terribly HOT! We had such a great Fall to Winter garden and an AWFUL summer garden last year that I think I'll be letting our beds rest through the summer once everything is done.
    Thanks for showing the pepper plant. I planted some-- I wish it had been sweet peppers and jalapeno. All the seed I had was Habanero ...we'll see what we get. I've never EVER gotten a pepper!

    Hope all your's does well.

  3. Your plants look great! I have a handful and just now are seeing blooms on my squash plants.

  4. Looking good! We were just talking about how Spring seemed to start in November for us. We've had the most unusual weather, one short spot of cold and another of really hot. Now we're in the 70s but 90s by Friday. How do you deal with such strange temps?

  5. Looks good! We don't hit 100 too often. Enjoy it and keep the garden watered!!

  6. I just love plant photos. And herbs - makes me feel good just looking at them.

  7. We are growing oregano, too. But ours is really big, and it's spreading a lot. So cool! Love the cute little plants!
    Oh, and by the way, if your having any problems with ants on your plants, then use ground Cinnamon. The ants hate and despise it.

    -Flannery at A Farm Girl's Life

  8. 100 already? In May? Oh my...just how hot does it get out there?! Glad to see your happy plants! Each year is different, isn't it!

  9. I feel for you, with the temperature. Hopefully everything survives.
    The rest of it looks really good! Congratulations. :o)

  10. I love herbs -- especially the smell of them when the wind blows just the right way!

    Also a big fan of rutabagas and turnips in stew. Yum!

  11. Candy, looks like fun watching all your produce grow! Hope it continues to do well.

  12. It's all looking so good! I'm horribly behind in my garden.

  13. My tomato plants are about the same size as yours. I can't believe you've already harvested one whole crop of veggies. I've had baby salad greens and rhubarb so far. It will be a while before I really start harvesting.


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