Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cowboy Fish Pond

Hmmm...or maybe I should call it our Redneck Fish Pond. ;-)
A friend gave us this 200-gallon galvanized stock tank and, at first, we had it down by the barn for the animals to drink out of. Well, it's really too tall for the goats and one horse just can't drink enough water to justify something so large. It would get icky and we kept having to drain it and clean it and that's a WHOLE lot of water to just dump out! So, Jerry thought it would be cool to make it into a fish pond in the back yard!

We put in a pump for aeration and added a couple of water plants.

My friend brought us this water lily last Sunday. :)

We got this one from the Koi fish guy at the Farmers' Market last week, I'm not sure what it is called. We have it sitting on some concrete blocks so that the fish have "caves" to play in.

We added a couple of goldfish and my friend who brought us the water lily is going to give us one or two more from her pond. (She has a REAL pond!)

The fish like hiding underneath the water lily. So, there ya' go, instant Cowboy/Redneck Fish Pond! LOL!! Linking up with Nancy and Lisa for Rural Thursday. Thanks ladies for hosting every week!!


  1. Enjoy your new fish pond and mosquito abatement program. I have mosquito fish in a few of my livestock tanks, disadvantage is they multiply so fast you can't just take them out to drain the tank and change the water.

  2. Great idea. Cowboy Fish Pond is an excellent name for this.

  3. Around here we call that the fancy swimming pool:) B

  4. Cute! I actually thought of buying a small round one for that same purpose, but we wound up finding a plastic one at a yard sale. Enjoy!

  5. Great idea! You're giving me ideas ;-)

  6. i'm lovin' it! i've always wanted a koi pond, but with herons and egrets by the dozens (and dogs, too!) they'd never make it here! i'll be satisfied with my 'real' pond. :)

  7. Oh, we did this too! Former owners left a stock tank here and we goats didn't use it , so the Goatmother and Goatfather made a fountain like yours. The Goatmother got a miniature lily off EBay and it is blooming as we speak! Unfortunately, we had godlfish, but the Raccoon found them.

  8. I love this idea! Very cool, love the name. Very pretty too :)

  9. That Jerry! I like his idea. Looks like fun to me.

  10. It looks really great. Who thought up the name? It really works for this.

  11. I have three tanks, all different sizes on my patios. I love them and love my fish. The plants multiply so fast I am always giving them away so don't buy more plants. I need to thin out again.

  12. I love it! What a great idea. I love ponds. I am thinking of putting in a small one with a little fountain at some point. It's on "the list".

  13. So wonderful!
    I love it. The whole galvanized bucket full!

    I hope your pond brings you lots of joy, Pat

  14. I think your use of this tub is so clever and lovely....Nice work

  15. Honestly....I like the whole concept!!!! Really a cool idea.

  16. Now that's a fun idea! I love the water lily.

  17. Well named and very cool to have around. You can even get Koi at the Farmers Market?

  18. Oh, I love this idea... you did a great job and the fish look happy!

  19. Hi, that is a great idea for the stock tank. Turns out we were neighbors some time back and I didn't even realize it. Small world!

  20. This is a fabulous idea! Go you!

    Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays this week. xo

  21. How exciting! I bet you are really going to enjoy your pond! The pictures didn't upload....I'm just going to have to come see it some time! :-)

  22. I would love to do this, but I don't think they'd make it thru the freeze here. I wonder if Maremma's would protect fish?

  23. Now that is a cool Koi Pond!

  24. I'vd just awarded your blog the "One Lovely Blog Award"! Check my website on what you can do to pass it on and share some fun info! Congrats!

  25. Thanks Nancy! I'll be checking it out! :)

  26. Hahahahaha!!! Love it! Cowboy/Redneck fish tank! Enjoy!

  27. This is great! I love your cowboy fish pond. :-)


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