Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Photo - July 08, 2012

The water lily in the Cowboy Fish Pond is sending up more flowers, this one bloomed Saturday. So, did you know that the flowers close up at night? I never did! LOL!! Linking up with Weekly Top Shot and Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday.

Nancy, at A Rural Journal, alerted a lot of her blogging buddies to the plight of Feral Woman who recently escaped with her life during the Ash Creek wildfires occurring in Montana. The fire changed direction so quickly that some of her horses and pets were left to fend for themselves, as were those belonging to many of the members of her small community. I had no idea this was even happening, it has not been on the news here.

Nancy has started a campaign to collect donations for the American Red Cross of Montana to help all of the victims of these wildfires. I have added the ChipIn! widget to my sidebar so that any of you who feel that you can will be able to make a donation and if you can't contribute, please visit Go West Feral Woman's blog and give her a hug or a few words of comfort. Her recent posts are absolutely terrifying and heartbreaking. If you feel so inclined, please post the ChipIn! widget to your own sidebar so that we can get the word out.


  1. Gorgeous photo! Did you read the last post by me, under "cowboy fish pond"? You won a blog award!

  2. Omg that fire in Montana, what horrible destruction. We've had some bad burns in easterm Idaho too, but much smaller...

  3. that is GORGEOUS! see, i'd have a koi pond just for that if i could! :)

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU for spreading the word on feral's plight and the fundraising efforts for montana!!!

  4. Love the photo. That's great you are helping with the Montana victims of wildfires.

  5. Beautiful shot. I like the dark background, it really highlights the flower nicely.

  6. WoW! The Montana fire. She is so brave. Guess you do what you have to.

  7. So beautiful! I did not know they closed up at night...always learning something new. Thanks.

  8. Beautiful flower, Candy!

    And thank you for putting the widget on your blog -- I'm so happy at the amount so far! :)

  9. That is a beautiful shot.
    Feral woman is so brave and bloggerland is so loving and caring. B

  10. I love the yellows you captured in this lily, Candy!

    I made your 100% Whole Wheat bread on Saturday. The 1st batch looked kind of dry as my bread machine stated mixing it up. So, I added some water and I added way to much!

    The second batch was perfect. I added just a little bit of extra OJ.

    We love your bread recipes! Have a great Monday.

  11. Your photos are beautiful, question, what kind of camera do you have?

  12. I want to check on this! So glad you brought it to everyone's attention! I have a friend who lives near Colorado Springs that I was really worried about, but they are fine. I will get on Feral Woman's blog.

    I sent you an email which is a cc of one that was a response to someone's post, and I made it cc to you and several others. Just to give you a head's up. It's a serious email.

    So glad you are enjoying your fish pond! We almost had some rain yesterday but it never quite got here, so I had to go out and water. I have my finger's crossed for today, but have little hope! :-) It's so hot, but we are staying close to the AC! You guys take care! Hope to see you soon!

  13. The flower is so beautiful! I just got caught up with what's going on with Feral Woman since I got back from vacation. I'm so glad to see that Nancy has started this campaign.

  14. Love the post and the blog looks great!
    I also stopped by to say you are nominated for The Sunshine Award for being such an inspiration in the blogoshere!
    Stop by Dolly Is Cooking to grab it and have a great day!!!

  15. Love your shot! Sorry I'm late visiting so late to thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #38... I've not been feeling well.


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