Thursday, July 12, 2012

In The Pasture

I really enjoy our morning walks through our friend's cow pasture. We usually always see something interesting, even if it's just the cows. :)
I like this girl because she is brown, the majority of them are black & white Angus. "How now, brown cow?"

Most of the cows were "hanging out" by the pond yesterday morning. We got .70 inches of rain on July 4th and there is actually water in the pond! These next pictures are of some of the young heifers that haven't been bred yet.

All of the cows are calving right now. We saw the Corriente cow with the big horns and her new calf the other day but did I have my camera? Noooo. Yesterday, I wanted to get a picture of the dogs swimming in the pond but they had already gotten out. When we go for our walks, any neighbor dog that is around goes with us! LOL!!

Number 12 seemed really concerned that we (and the dogs) were there. When we got back up the bank, we discovered why.

She is the proud mama of a new little calf! :)

Linking up with Rural Thursday and Farmgirl Friday.


  1. so sweet! i love calves! well, i usually like cows, too. :)

  2. Congratulations (grandma?) Pretty little calf.

  3. Aww...cute calf. I, too, like the brown cow. :)

  4. So lucky she didn't attack the dogs. I know most momma cows would. Great pictures.

  5. The ladies seem to like having their pictures taken! I like the brown cow and the baby the best!

  6. I like how you enjoy your place. It seems we are so busy we forget to take time to enjoy the sights & sounds. I know I take that in more than my guys, but not as often as we should enjoy God's great gifts.

  7. How cool must it be to think "hey, I'll just go for a walk through a friends cow pasture".... you are a very lucky person.

  8. How cute they are! I'm so happy they are doing well, Candy.

    Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays this week.

  9. :) Nice lookin' cows! I've been a bit nervous about cows with calves since I was a kid and was charged by a mama cow. She head butted me into the swamp...and I felt very lucky to still be alive.

    I do miss having cattle around...but I have a great deal of respect for them!

  10. Loved the calves picture.When I met my husband his family had new twin calves.Brought back some sweet memories. I found you through the hop, come over for a visit sometime. Your always Welcome, KathyB.


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