Friday, July 13, 2012

A Lovely Sunshiny Blog

Recently, Nancy at Little Homestead In Boise nominated me for the "One Lovely Blog Award" and Dolly at Dolly Is Cooking nominated me for the "Sunshine Award" which is an award from bloggers to other bloggers who "positively and creatively inspire other bloggers in the blogosphere." Thank you both, I am truly honored! :) If you haven't visitied Nancy's or Dolly's blogs, I highly recommend that you do and you will see why both of these lovely ladies received these awards!

The requirements for the Lovely Blog Award are to share seven random things about yourself and for the Sunshine Award to answer ten questions, I'm gonna cheat and combine them! ;-)

1. Favorite color: Green, no wait, yellow, no green!

2. Favorite animal: Goats! :)

3. Favorite number: 3

4. Favorite drink: My cup of Earl Grey tea first thing in the morning.

5. Facebook or Twitter: Facebook, I don't do Twitter and really don't do much Facebook either even though I'm on there.

6. Good book or good movie: At this point in my life, movie, it's easier! LOL!!

7. My passion: Baking, it is my creative outlet.

8. Giving or getting gifts: Giving.

9. Favorite day: Halloween! ;-)

10. Favorite flower: I can't pick one favorite, it's usually whatever is blooming at the time!

Now, I'm also supposed to pass these awards on to ten other Bloggers but I feel that all the blogs I follow are special and deserving of an award and there is no way I could pick just ten, so I guess I'm gonna break the chain, sorry.

Thank you again Nancy and Dolly for thinking of me and honoring me with these lovely awards!


  1. Congrats on your Sunshine Award!

  2. oh, congrats on both! i always like to learn more about folks (and i, too, never pass on awards as it is too difficult). i sure wish you lived closer with that baking skill of yours! i'd be visiting your farmers' market stand!

  3. You certainly are deserving of both awards. Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations to you. I do love you blog. And remember the next time im flying into the US from the UK you owe me a scone and a cup of Earl grey. He He He.
    July Giveaway @ ValleysshutterBug

  5. I'm with you on movie vs. book but most times if I can sit still long enough for a movie I am asleep. LOL.

  6. Right on! A fellow Halloween lover. :)

  7. Congrats!

    Oh I love Halloween too. We don't get kids here anymore (children either LOL) but I used to love decorating the house and making them tell jokes in their cute outfits.

    You do have a lovely blog.

  8. Yay for your blog awards! Neat to learn more about you Candy. xo

  9. Oh, this is fun! Glad you won these two awards, Candy! I find so many similarities between us, always--I too love Earl Grey tea, for instance! It was fun reading your list! Congrats!


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