Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Made ME Jump!

I was working away, pulling grass in the garden, when something moved practically under my hand! No, I didn't scream like a girl but I sure jumped and I think the tarantula was just as surprised as I was. :)
He/she wasn't in any big hurry so I ran inside and grabbed my camera. Jerry kept saying, "You know they jump, don't you? It's gonna jump on your head!" He thought he was real funny. :-/
The rains always bring out the tarantulas so I knew to be on the lookout, just not right under my hand. LOL!!
Linking up with Tones On Tuesday, Mosaic Monday and Macro Monday.


  1. EEEKKKKKKKK!!!! I would have jumped too!! Maybe even let out a startled noise;)
    Glad it went on it's way and didn't jump on you!
    Great pics!

  2. OMG! I would have been screaming like a little girl AND a little boy! I am not a spider fan - and expecially not a GIANT spider fan. Ack!!!

  3. super shots....I would have run in the house and locked the door!

  4. Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  5. Eeeeekkkkkkkk! is right! Can you hear me from there? I'm no wimp, but I don't like it when spiders surprise me...or snakes for that matter.

  6. Oh goodness, I do hate spiders! How big are they actually? Compared to your hand how big is that spider?

  7. Oh boy! When I was young (12) my family lived at the Little Rock Air Force Base, in Arkansas. I clearly remember the tarantulas there. Really creepy. I have never understood people who had them as pets. Weird!!

  8. GAH! gaghahhalgjshgfklsjglah! Gross. Around here, it's bull snakes in the chicken house. Bleck. Glad it didn't jump at you :)

  9. Years ago I had long hair, sitting on the sofa watching tv, felt something in my hair, flicked it out, saw it was a Tarantula, got my shoe and smushed it. Found out my cousin was going to the pet shop buying them for her girls, I could have sold them to her. Funny, I am the country girl and she is the city girl, buying tarantulas, LOL.

  10. I don't think I would like to find one of those in the garden.

  11. Hi there - that’s not what I would want to find - and I thought the one I posted a week ago was big!

    Stewart M – Australia

  12. I'm not really afraid of spiders, but finding one unexpectedly would make me jump too!

    I like this guy better than the brown recluse spider baby that bit me on the foot 2 years ago. That was really painful.

  13. That would certainly make me jump!

  14. I saw you on Spout's blog and thought I'd stop by and what do I see but this big brown ugly spider! Lol I am scared of spiders. Sandie

  15. Holy crap, but atleast it wasn't a rattle snkae!

  16. Yeah, that would have made me jump too. But happy to see it anyway! Isn't this about the time they go acourtin'? Nice hubby...sounds like my guy too! :)

  17. Yikes I have only seen them in the movies and it never ended well:) Great shot. They Jump?:) B

  18. Thanks for the warning about the rain bringing out the tarantulas! Eeek! :-) Great pictures of him/her, though! I keep expecting a rattlesnake to be hiding under my big squash plant (bush!) We had a torrential rain and storm with lots of thunder and lightning today again!

  19. Wow! That thing looks gigantic!


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