Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Photo - Chickens

These probably weren't the chickens you were expecting! :) Living down here close to the Mexican border, we have lots of Mexican pottery items available to purchase. I have several pieces in this style, I love the colors! This pair sits in my kitchen window, normally, keeping me company while I'm working.
Sharing with these fine linky parties: Orange You Glad It's FridayWeekly Top ShotYour Sunday Best, Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday and Mandarin Orange Monday.


  1. They are so bright and cheerful!! Must be nice companions! ;-)

  2. Bright and cheery, I like them too! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #50!

  3. NO, I love these! I have a wooden cat that is painted very similarly and think the colors are wonderful!

  4. These are probably the quietest and cleanest chickens you'll ever meet! :)

  5. Cute, no eggs but then no coop to clean either.

  6. I love those chickens. I'm always drawn to lively colors.

  7. How cute! I love mexican pottery!

  8. I made a couple of trips to Mexico for mission trips with the kids ...years ago. While there I bought color little crosses, painted much like these.
    I like them. Very cheerful indeed. I can see how they keep you company!


  9. Oh, I think they are VERY cool!! Love 'em!

  10. Love the chickens. Beautiful colors.

  11. Love these bright and cheery pieces!

  12. Candy, your chicken finds are so festive!

  13. Now THESE are my kind of chickens!

  14. Those colors are so pretty. I love anything Spanish or Mexican. Very nice photo too.

  15. They are cute! I'm impressed that they aren't even dusty. :-)

  16. I love Mexican pottery -- these are great! I'm jealous you have such a close pipeline to the source! Lol. :)

  17. You're right! That was NOT what I was expecting, LOL!! The colors are so wonderful - they would perk you up no matter what the weather or mood!

  18. Those are cool.

    Visiting from Mandarin Orange Monday, here's my Orange

  19. Cute little chickies...and so polite! No noisy cackles and arguing over nest boxes like my chickens :)

  20. Oh I have chicken envy so bad right now!

  21. Oh I love these chickens the best I think. Cute and not messy:) B

  22. Very fun and festive looking chickens.

  23. And what lovely chickens they are too! I really like those bright areas of colour outlined in black. Such happy little chickens to have in your kitchen. Thank you for sharing them on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  24. These guys are GREAT! Love the colors too. Cobalt blue and white are my kitchen colors. I have a lot of blue & white dishes, etc (Delft pieces also) and other things with bright colors, like a small collection of Fiesta. I need to start shopping around a little for some great Mexican pottery pieces! The only thing I have is a Mexican tile I really daughter gave it to me. (The background is....cobalt blue :-) )


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