Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In Pictures

I have really been enjoying everyone's year end posts so I thought I would share a favorite photo from each month of 2012.

January - I made this appliqued wall hanging for a friend.

February - We really enjoyed the Tucson Rodeo and I got some great pictures! :)

March - Do you see the coyote at the water tank on the right?

April - Jerry's birthday cake!! :)

May - Check out the ears on this jackrabbit!

June - The echinacea in the back yard.

July - The color guard in the July 4th parade.

August - A blanket flower beside the road.

September - Jerry and Paco. :)

October - A working Chuck Wagon in Ruidoso, NM.

November - My favorite Cowgirl Cookies!

December - One of "our" ravens in the rain.

It was fun going back through my blog for the year and seeing how my "style" has changed and reminiscing. :)


  1. i enjoy your style, no matter what the subjects. now, any cowgirl cookies left? :)

  2. What a great series to review the year. I just love your photography. :-)

  3. These are great pictures Candy! Happy New Year!

  4. Great pictures! I thoroughly enjoyed looking through them.
    Happy New Year to you!


  5. Oh Cindy I love them all. Happy New Year. I almost missed the coyote I have seen way to many this calving season:) B

  6. The jack rabbit is the most interesting to me, what big ears! We don't have these where I live, I don't think at least. The prettiest picture has to be the chuck wagon. I love the weathered look and the warm colors. Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year to you and Jerry, may 2013 be a good year.

  8. Happy New Year to you and Jerry, may 2013 be a good year.

  9. Such great photos! I can't believe the jackrabbit's ears! Crazy!

    The spot color on the flags in the July 4th parade photo is so neat. Really makes them stand out.

    The one of Jerry and Paco is so sweet!

  10. I always enjoy your Photos! Happy New Year to you!

  11. Great photos as usual, you guys have a good holiday and a great 2013.

  12. Nice job! Your photos have really progressed over the last year and a half I've followed you!!!

  13. Finally someone with ears like mine. Although I have to admit, with an angle like that, he's never gonna' get off the ground. :)

  14. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. That March photo is still my favorite. LOVE that one! I always enjoy coming here and look forward to a new year with you my friend.

  15. Great photos! What a nice way to look back on the year. I'm looking forward to this years pictures :)

  16. I like the retrospective!! Happy New Year, my friend.

  17. Hi I just found your lovely blog, Happy New Year to you I like how looked back over the year.

  18. Loved your selection of photos here. I especially enjoyed,
    The Jack Rabbit, Jerry and Paco and the Raven at the end.
    Happy New Year!

  19. Absolutely LOVE this year-end post! I had missed some of these earlier posts because I hadn't found you yet, so it was great getting to see them.

  20. You had so many interesting photos in the past year -- it must have been difficult to pick just a few!

  21. Beautiful pictures! I love what you did with the flag in the 4th of July pic.


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