Thursday, December 20, 2012

African Violets

I love my African Violets, they thrive despite my lackadaisical care! ;)
My grandmother always had a lot of African Violets in all different colors and I always thought they were so pretty. I have tried growing them through the years but never had any luck until we moved here.

It has been two years since I pinched them back and divided them and it looks as though the time has come to do it again.

I like the white edges of the foilage on this one.

I started about 10 plants by leaf cuttings a couple of years ago and they all grew, some better than others. I took six or so to the Farmer's Market when they started blooming and they sold well. This was the only one left and, as you can see, he's still in the plastic container. Ooops!!

I have my African Violets in a north facing window that never gets any direct sunlight because of the 10-foot porch roof overhang. I don't feed them special fertilizer, um, as a matter of fact, I don't fertilize them at all, and I water them from the top but underneath the leaves. I know I'm probably doing everything wrong but, seriously, they bloom almost constantly! :)


  1. Funny, the Goatmother has African Violets too because her Grandmother had them! Hers are grown under flourescent lights on a plant stand (not enough window space for all of them), They are amazingly beautiful plants!

  2. These really had me remembering my great aunt. She grew them and they were beautiful. I used to have them, but I moved so much I think they gave up on me and all died.

  3. They are really pretty! I've never tried growing them, but maybe I should! Most everything I try inside dies, so maybe I'd have luck with these.

  4. Can't argue with those results. They are beautiful!

  5. They are very pretty, lovely colours.

  6. These remind me of my Grandma too...she grew African violets the way I grow weeds! Hers were so beautiful! I got a few starts from her, and for the first year, they were beautiful, in my east window. Then we moved...and I killed them all! :( Looks like you're doing something right!!

  7. awww. thanks for that - my mother loved hers...

  8. African Violets were one my Mother's favorite house plants. We would buy her one every year for Mothers day or her birthday.

  9. I would love to be able to grow Violets. But I have killed so many that I am surprised they are not on the endanger plant list.

  10. beautiful! My Mom also loved violetas africanas! We hav a nice weather in the Canary Isles and she used to have them in a big patio. the most she liked were the double ones. Thanks for the lovely memories! I remember her planting leaves and mixing them1.

    Happy Christmas to you and your family!

  11. I always buy a few every winter and kill them off slowly. Yours are beautiful!

  12. They are all so lovely! You seem to have a purple thumb! :-)


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