Friday, December 21, 2012

Yule Cookies

How are you celebrating The End of The World the Mayan Calendar? Carolyn at Krazo Acres and Lamb at Frippery Farm had a great idea, let's all make cookies! As Lamb said, "If the Apocalypse comes, you have cookies. If the Apocalypse doesn't come, you have cookies. Either way, WIN!" :)
I made up a batch of my Brown Sugar Shortbread Cookies and to celebrate the Winter Solstice and Yule, I cut out moons and stars to represent the shortest night of the year and a sun to celebrate the return of the light. I also just had to make some Yule Goats to go under the tree!
I'll see you all tomorrow! ;)
Linking up with Farmgirl Friday and the Farm Girl Blog Fest.


  1. cute yule goats! are you swedish? :)

  2. Well guess the Mayan's were wrong, Merry Christmas. Love the goats cookies under the tree.

  3. Cute! I'm going to a wonderful solstice service tonite, it's so peaceful and reflective...

  4. Love this idea! The goats are the perfect touch :)

    I for one am so excited that the days will slowly be getting longer from here on out!

  5. I bet those cookies taste as good as they are cute! I love the goats. Happy Winter Solstice to you!

  6. Let's hear it for Yule Goats, oh clever one! :) Happy Solstice and Yule!

  7. Happy Winter Solstice! I think I would like to eat those cookies right off your tree! ;)

  8. Oh They are good little goats. I love them. I am so glad we are both here but I was not worried. Merry Christmas and I am sure 2013 is going to be wonderful for us all. Enjoy the holiday with your family and thank you for being on the other end of my computer. Hug B

  9. Cute as a button! They look great on the tree!

  10. That is a great plan~you win either way! Love the goats. :-)

  11. Great idea! Love the goats under the tree!

  12. Great tree, its beautiful and tasty too. win,win,

  13. Great tree, its beautiful and tasty too. win,win,

  14. Such a cute cookie tree! I guess I should make some cookies and candy, although it's not with a lot of enthusiasm. ;-)

  15. The whole post looks delicious! And who wouldn't want cookies if the end of the world came? Those goats are adorable! Thanks for Sharing Candy!

  16. This is so sweet, Candy. Love the idea of apocalypse cookies. :)

  17. They really look delicious, Candy! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


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