Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Baby Is A Year Old

My sweet baby Daphne that is! ;)

It's hard to believe she is already a year old. She is starting to look more grown up and her beard is coming in but she can still act like such a kid sometimes, like when she is chewing on my apron while I'm trying to take her picture! I wanted to get a picture of her with the other two goats so you could see how big she is but she wouldn't leave my side. At least I know she likes me! LOL!!

She is such a little stinker. She has been watching the "big girls" try to open the door to the milking shed...

Luckily, there is a latch up high where nogoat can reach it. You can see in the last picture that she actually has the door open. We used to lock the door with a key but I accidentally left the key in the lock one day and one of them broke it off. Jerry's horse, Paco, will even open the door if it isn't latched, which is rather disconcerting if I'm in there trying to milk Madeline.

Since it is her birthday, Daphne gets a little treat...

"A PEANUT, maaa, for ME?!? I wish it was my birthday EVERY day!!"

Linking up with the Rurality Blog Hop and Farmgirl Friday.


  1. that is too cute! what a sweet little 1 yr old! big hug, daphne!

  2. Happy Birthday Daphane you tricky thing you. B

  3. Lucky girl. I've not given Pricilla a peanut yet

  4. Just one! I hope you got more than one peanut for your birthday!

  5. oh what a sweet baby you have ! So cute enjoying that birthday peanut!

  6. What an adorable girl! Happy Birthday, Daphne!

  7. Awwww, what a sweet and lovely girl! Happy Birthday to our goatie friend, Daphne!

  8. If there is one thing I have learned about goats from you all, is that they are smart! Happy Birthday Daphne.

  9. Love the breaking and entering attempt! Clever girl.

  10. They are just way too smart. Last year Jenna's one goat learned to open the door to his pen at the fair! Happy Birthday Daphne!

  11. They are so darned cute! Smart, too!

  12. She's so cute! Happy birthday, baby! :)

  13. So sweet! Happy Birthday Daphne!! More peanuts!

  14. Awww, Daphne is the cutest! I want to have goats someday. I think baby goats are the most adorable things in the world. Grown goats are pretty darn cute as well :) Happy birthday, Daphne!

  15. awwww happy birthday daphne! sounds like she's a mama's girl ;)

  16. They are so darn smart! And cute too. :)

  17. Time flies when you are beautiful. :) Happy birthday to Daphne. Hope she doesn't start acting like Ella. :)

  18. Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #4' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #5...

  19. Happy Birthday to your baby! Your baby is so cute! I want one...

  20. Daphne is so adorable! I can't believe it's been a year. Wow! Funny photos of her trying to get the door open (not so funny for you, though, I'm sure!)

  21. Cute post on Daphne... she is so pretty. Goats are so smart.

  22. Hi Candy!
    What a little cutie pie! You must be so proud :) Found your post on Farmgirl Friday and I would love to have you share this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today!

  23. She is a beauty! Makes me miss having goats.


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