Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday's Tails - 2/12/2013

We have a small herd of mule deer that wanders through quite often. I photographed this young buck out the kitchen window last week.

See ya' later little fella! :)


  1. That is cool. I know that deer come through our place almost every night and even sleep in the brush out back, but I rarely actually SEE them. I see their tracks and beds mostly. I need a nightcam!

  2. Awww, how cute! I love the photo of him with his tongue out. Too funny!

  3. THAT'S in your yard???! wow. And I complain about the opossum poop we get!

  4. It just looks right at home. How much property do you have?

  5. That close to your house?! Wow!

  6. We have several mule deer in our yard every night.....lots of "evidence" under the bird feeders and on the front sidewalk! ;-)

  7. Very cute. Only we had several that ate my tomato plants, roses, and zucchini to nothing last year

  8. They are so pretty but also a garden problem. Sometimes I am torn.

  9. I like these kind of visitors... great captures Candy. :)

  10. Although deer are hunted as food here, I do miss seeing them on the property. This year we haven't seen many.

  11. I love that he is licking his lips. Maybe it is a she I have no idea.:) B

  12. May he grow up to be big and tasty ... OR cause no harm to area property and live a long full life. We don't very many "mulies" around here but they are common in the SW part of the state. We have lots of White Tail deer here.

  13. The Pres and I love to watch the deer wander though the yard...our dogs, not so much...they prefer them to run rather than wander! Nice to meet you from BMB the Valentine Blog Hop hosted by Lisa & Nancy...I am your newest follower!...:)JP


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