Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Cookies

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! These beautiful cookies are really easy to make and assemble but give the impression that you worked on them for hours. ;) This is my P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday entry.

I used my favorite Brown Sugar Shortbread cookie recipe, cut out rounds and then cut out a heart shape in half of the cookies for the tops. After baking, when they are completely cool, liberally dust the tops with powdered sugar. Spread some (homemade) strawberry jam on the bottom cookies and then add the cut-out tops. Jerry is a serious chocoholic and he couldn't quit eating these. With the rich shortbread cookie and the sweet jam, they are a special treat for your Valentine any day of the year. Of course, you can use any cut-out cookie recipe, or even refrigerated cookie dough, and any jam for the filling to make them your own! :)

Because Jerry is such a chocoholic, I also made a batch of Dark Chocolate Cherry cookies. Oh, by the way, make sure you really read the label when buying the dried cherries. I accidentally bought a bag of cherry juice infused Craisins! wonder they were so cheap. They do have a very good cherry taste though! LOL!!

Dark Chocolate Cherry Cookies

1 cup butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups Baking Mix
6 tablespoons cocoa
1 10-ounce bag dark chocolate chips
1 5-ounce bag dried cherries

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Beat together butter and sugars until creamy. Add eggs and vanilla; beat well. Add Baking Mix and cocoa; mix well. Stir in dark chocolate chips and dried cherries; mix well. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheet then remove to wire rack to cool completely. Makes about 4 dozen cookies.

I'm joining Lisa and Nancy for the Valentine's Day Boost My Blog Party! I'm also linking up with What I Am Eating and Farmgirl Friday.


  1. Oh these look wonderful I will be trying these for sure. Cherry sounds perfect. Happy Valentine's Day. Hug B

  2. These are so pretty Candy! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

    Thanks for participating in the Boost-My-Blog Party!

  3. You always make the prettiest cookies! Yum :-) Thanks for participating in the blog hop. Congrats on your win!

  4. Mmmmm ... your cookies look so delicious. I am going to be baking some of the Dark Chocolete Cherry ones soon. My hubby loves cherries. Thanks for sharing. I wandered in from the Boost You Blog Party and am really enjoying all your photos and reading your blog ... :) Pat

  5. Happy Valentine's Day!!! Happy Blog Party! Those cookies - look YUMMY!

  6. They look yummy! Following you from the Boost My Blog Party. I'm a farm blogger-
    I hope you'll drop by my blog soon. Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. I popped over from the boost party. I have a recipe on my blog for dark chocolate(oatmeal cherry cookies. Great minds think alike!

  8. wow, these cookies look delicious. yummy good. hey, i hopped over from Boost-My-Blog Party! nice to meet ya. i have been here before. like old bloggin' buddies. have a great <3 Day!! big hugs. ( :

  9. Gorgeous cookies, Candy! And wow, your Sweet Potato Chowder recipe looks fantastic! I love all of your posts and your amazing pictures, too... thank you for your inspiration! I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day!

    love, homegrown countrygirl

  10. OMG! I just met you and already you're giving me NEW cookie recipes...I am THE BIGGEST COOKIE MONSTER!...:)JP

  11. Yummy! Your photo is just gorgeous. The platter is lovely! Now I'm craving cookies haha!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. The cookies look wonderful - especially the chocolate! Thanks for sharing your recipe. I noticed your link to Mary Jane's Farm. Are you a fellow Farmgirl Sister? I joined a few months ago and am loving it.

    Thanks for joining the Valentine Blog Hop. Good to meet you.

  13. Your cream mushroom soup looks so delicious, as does these cookies! Visiting your from BMB, have e great day,

  14. These look so good! Hope you have a very happy Valentine's Day!

  15. I found your blog through A Rural Journal and when I saw Chocolate Cherry Cookies I knew we were blogmates! LOL I'm adding you to my reading list as I so far am loving your blog.

  16. I found you through Lisa and Nancy's Blog party. Yummy treats!

  17. Visiting from "Boost My Blog Party". You just can't go wrong with cherries and dark chocolate!

  18. My husband loves dark chocolate and cherries. I wasn't panning on making cookies today. But now I have too.

  19. I'm making a cake but as I was reading you post I thought for a minute I was smelling your cookies :)
    These looks so YUMMY!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe, my husband LOVES chocolate!

  20. They are almost to pretty to eat! (but just almost!) :)

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    -Marissa from the Valentine's Day Blog Party

  21. Yum! I definitely could use these right now! I'm visiting from the BMB party! And I would love for you to share these at what i am eating that is last week's link up, or you can wait until the morning to do this weeks!

  22. oh those are beautiful...i don't think mine would turn out as pretty lol...happy valentine's day!

  23. Stopping by from Boost my Blog party to say hi! Love your cookies and am your newest follower. Think that arizona is such a great state. My nephew lives there and i love all of the photo ops there. Will look forward to following your blog!

  24. Absolutely scrumptious! My mouth is watering just looking at those cookies. And oh my, the presentation of those heart cut out cookies is brilliant.

  25. Great photo and the cookies look absolutely delicious!

  26. Hi Candy!
    The cookies look yummy :) I was glad to see you on the list over at the Boost my Blog party! Good to see your blog again...sorry I have been so busy that I have been around in awhile :(

    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

  27. Oooooo. Ahhhhhhh... You're killin' me here! Good thing you didn't put any Peanuts in there or I'd be a goner. :)

  28. I definitely need to make a batch of cookies after seeing your post! I'm not a farm girl but I hope to be one day. ;) Visiting from BMB.
    Have a great weekend!

  29. I make sugar cookies and put a thumb print in it and then add a dotch of jam, depending on what kind I feel like!

  30. If those cookies taste anywhere near as good as those photos, they've got to be delicious. Stopping by from BMB.

  31. These are cute and they do look like you spent hours on them.


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