1. I love perennials and enjoy seeing them return every year. I picked up a six-pack of calendula plants last weekend and put them in my new flower bed interspersed with some gladiolus bulbs.

2. The hollyhocks I planted last year are making a return.

3. I planted one echinacea in this barrel almost seven years ago, it has multiplied and comes back every spring.

4. I have two barrels of irises, these have been here for about five years now. I really, really need to thin them out, huh? ;)

5. I gave my big wormwood plant to one of my friends a couple of weeks ago but found this little volunteer and decided to plant it in my new herb bed. They can get pretty big but are very pretty with their silvery foilage.
i need something around here that i can't kill off. :)
I love iris. Such beautiful flowers.
My flowers haven't made an appearance yet. I am hoping with in the next week.
Very impressed with all your flowers.
I love perennials, too! And volunteer plants are always awesome :)
I love calendulas - I have them in my hillbilly tire planter, but decided to save the seeds and spread them all over. I'm sure I'll regret it, but, as they say, ignorance is bliss!
Everyone is killing me with all the signs of spring! I guess I'll just have to be patient. I really need to do something to get my wormwood under control. It's taking over!
Love your list of five pretty plant starts (or returns!) I'd take some pictures of my garden but I am still fighting the weeds outside the beds! Can't wait to see your hollyhocks, coneflowers, and well, all of these as they mature and bloom!
@ TexWisGirl -southern wood and wormwood are great choices. The wormwood will grow and take over almost like a mint.
@Candy -is calendula an annual for you?? Lucky. I just have to hope it reseeds enough to come back in the spring -if we ever see spring
Beautiful flowers and plants Candy -- I'm so looking forward to some color around here!
Thank you for sharing your garden with us at R5F. xo
Your plants are vital and healthy looking! Thank you for sharing the photos. Things are not that green yet around here. I'm really looking forward to the irises coming out.
Ahhh everyone is so excited to start seeing green - then there are the poor Minnesota folks that still can't get dug out!
nice. i would love to get out in the yard. too cold here. waiting for another snow storm. spring please come along soon. ( :
Oh Candy I love your beautiful five. B
Oh, it is good to see green again! I just saw that my crocus are blooming on the side of the house--Spring is coming!! Hooray!
I've often wanted to plant perennials in containers and wondered of they would freeze...I guess not! I love this idea...much easier to manage and weed!...:)JP
You are Great at Growing things -
I'm inspired to try.
We got snow last night! I am thinking about 3". Most of it melted today.
If one looks really close we have a few cool season grasses trying to green up. Gardening is still a ways off for us.
I can't wait for you to post flower blooms and garden picts!
i am so glad to start seeing signs of spring. on the first day of spring my late mother would always plant her flower box on the front porch. This was her tradition as far back as I can remember.
Love seeing all your perinnieal sprouts returing. I am hoping they will be making a big surge come back here in New England soon ... if the snow ever leaves. Sigh
ahhhh more signs of spring. I would like to have an echinacea patch!
It is great fun to see those little sprigs of green come back each year.
My wormwood was killed by the dog last spring ... thanks for the reminder to buy a new one!
Catherine :)
I love calendula. Such an easy flower to grow and at least here reseeds itself nicely every year. :)
It's always fun to so what others have planted and grown.
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