Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Windowsill Gardening

Our local Wally World has some beautiful, locally grown potted herbs available in the produce department. I resisted buying any for several months but I just couldn't take it anymore and picked up an oregano plant and a lovely basil plant. The basil was three times bigger than this when I bought it! I pruned it back and froze some using this method.

Since I spend so much time in the kitchen, I really enjoy having fresh herbs in the window over the sink. :)

Linking up with Nancy for Tuesday Muse.

Edited in PSE11 using Nancy's Candy texture (can't help it, love the name!) at Soft Light 75% and Multiply 50%. Border added in Pixlr.


  1. Yesterday I had a...um...vision (?!) of homemade pesto. It hit me like a bolt of lightening. Gotta plant some basil this year. Sadly, no sun facing windowsills, but lots of room outside.

  2. I love this! I think I should probably buy some of those too :)

  3. I regret not bringing my rosemary or basil in last fall. I will have to start new with both of them this spring.

  4. i buy basil plants every spring from the ffa group at our high school. i use it up, love that stuff! wish i had a window in the kitchen they could sit in but my window is stupid without any kind of ledge...i put a big pot of it on the deck, which is right off the kitchen.

  5. Nothing I love more than herbs. Did you make your own pesto?

  6. I miss my herb garden...I just bought a cilantro plant from Wally World and was so mad that it died a few days later :(

  7. I would love to do that, but would kill it in short order! I can't keep plants alive! Kids and animals I have no issues with...plants, not so much! Love the pots!

  8. These are very nice. I suspect that where I to venture into potted herbs my cat would take up permanent residency in the window chomping on them. Not exactly the best way to prune them back.

  9. I love the smell of fresh herbs but still haven't cooked with them much...oh wait that means I'd have to COOK! LOL Adore the smell of rosemary rolled between my fingers and mints...yummo!

  10. Michaele,
    I'm almost ashamed to admit that I have never made pesto, cooked with it or even eaten it! I must be living under a rock! LOL!! The link shows how to freeze it just in olive oil.

  11. Oh, you should try pesto! I make it with everything! There is nothing like a bit of green in the window to perk you right up.

  12. Fresh herbs taste the best. Such a great photo..

  13. It is lovely. I am really starting to think about my garden for the summer. I'm going to have to get my seeds inventoried and ready to plant.

  14. They look great! I don't have very much light coming in my kitchen window, so herbs usually don't do very well there. I have to wait to plant them outside. Spring needs to hurry up already!

  15. I've got the husband planting me an herb garden this year. I always buy several huge bunches of basil and make some into pesto and freeze it, some I freeze in olive oil and last year I froze just the leaves. That worked great for when I was canning my sauce. I just popped a bunch into the milled tomatoes.

  16. Love the fresh look of basil -- and the smell. So nice to have it year round I think. :)

  17. I love it and I do so need some herbs for my window... love basil!

  18. I wish I had a window to grow anything in! I doubt that I'd use fresh herbs, but I'd like other plants. One west-facing puny window in my kitchen is totally inadequate. Love the way you've photographed and edited these, Candy.

  19. i know you'll put those herbs to good use.

  20. Lovely basil and even better with the Candy texture. I love that texture too.. :) I had a pot of basil on our wine time table under the oaks and loved the aroma. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  21. I like the soft textures and vintage muted tones... I created my first ever textured image today and share over at Nancy's as well...

  22. Lucky you that you have some wonderful fresh herbs growing right in your windowsill. I will be visiting your state in April. Looking forward to the warmth.

  23. Candy, I buy living herbs as well although I find that basil doesn't do very well in the winter. A pinch of fresh herbs gives a lift to so many dishes. Hope life is treating you well. Cheers

  24. Oh I love herbs on a window sill this time of year. Yours look pretty. B

  25. Great post on the basil. I am going to have to try this out. I don't seem to have too much luck though with herbs in the windowsil. Going to try again though! Very inspiring

  26. I like it out in the garden, but I don't like having to take care of plants inside. Fresh herbs are so great, aren't they?

  27. I got to get my basil seeds started soon!


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