Friday, April 12, 2013

Random 5 Friday - 04/12/2013

This week's post is pretty durn random! Let's see...

1.  One of the hens went broody so I put four eggs under her on Monday. Tuesday morning, I marked them and checked on her. Tuesday evening, there was another egg so I marked it differently. She was fine with no extra eggs Wednesday morning and evening and Thursday morning. Thursday evening, one of the eggs was half eaten so I evicted her. The dog was happy!

2.  We put bird netting over the three dwarf fruit trees yesterday. They all have a lot of fruit starting and we are hoping to actually get a harvest this year.

3.  I'm looking forward to the Farmer's Market tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be GREAT! My baked goods have been selling really well lately and my goal is to completely sell out one of these weeks.

4.  The neighbor lady cancelled her trash service and has been just piling it up on her front porch. With our big winds earlier this week, most of it ended up in our yard and pasture. Grrrr...

5.  Today is Jerry's birthday!! :) He got a pretty sedate cake this year, German Chocolate. If you would like to see the horse cake I made him last year go here.

Linking up with Nancy for Random 5 Friday.


  1. i love the stacker cake! so cute! last year's horsie was pretty cute, too. :)

    #4 would irritate me to no end!!! and the hen eating her own eggs... well...

  2. I am impressed with your farmer's market forays. What a lot of work on the baking!

    My neighbors manage to let a surprising amount of their trash blow onto our property and they HAVE pickup. I don't get what's so hard about keeping it contained. You're right, it IS annoying.

  3. Random is sometimes the most informative! Love the cake - and sorry to hear the broody hen was an egg eater. But it sounds like the dog was pleased with her eviction!

  4. i love german chocolate cakes. looks delicious!! yummy good. ( :

  5. My favorite cake.

    Pick it up and put it in her front yard

  6. Cake looks awesome. Good luck at the farmer's market. I need to check local dates and farmers markets here, one has fantastic blackberries.

  7. Well the horse cake is cute but I LOVE this cake German cake yum yum. Happy Birthday to him:)
    I am sure you would sell out if I lived closer. Have fun . B

  8. I love German chocolate cake with that frosting! Yummy! Hope you sell out at the farmer's market!

  9. Yum, Yum, Yum, that cake looks delicious! I can't wait for the farmers markets to start up again here.

  10. Happy Birthday, Jerry! I see you spoiled him a little more today, Miss Candy.

    Good Luck at the Farmer's Market tomorrow.

    Sounds like we are in for more winter weather this weekend.

  11. Wow, that is a rich looking, delicious looking cake!

    Have fun at the Farmer's Market! I love the variety of things you can find at such markets.

  12. My husband started drooling when he looked over my shoulder. He loves German Chocolate cake. And I do mean LOVES. Now he is now hinting for me to make him one. Should of read your post after he went to bed. HA HA

  13. That cake looks delicious! (my birthday's in August :) :) )
    Have fun at market!

  14. Those silly hens -- mine think they want to set for awhile, then leave after a day or so. No willpower! :)

    That cake is amazing. Yum!

  15. My husband loves German Chocolate cake. Your cake looks so good. Sorry to hear about your neighbor and her trash.

  16. I love,love,love German chocolate cake!

  17. German chocolate cake is my favorite! Just wondering how much bread you bake for your Farmers Market. Do you make it the day of or the day before? I am thinking of baking for the market this year.

  18. Candy, that's quite a cake! Is that banana I see in the toppping? Hope you are having a great week.

  19. happy belated birthday to jerry...yum, i love german chocolate!

  20. That cake looks really yummy! I've got eggs goin on lockdown tomorrow in my bator :)

  21. Not cool with the trash.
    Love the looks of the cake, looks really good. And happy late birthday Jerry!!

  22. Happy late birthday, Jerry! Love that yummy German chocolate cake!!!! And the horse cake you made last year was wonderful!

    Great Random 5! Hope you do get some fruit this year! You'll have to explain to me about the chicken. I adore them as you know, but know very little about them. I assume you have a rooster??? Or maybe she was getting broody over eggs with no babies in them? Do you recommend rooster or no rooster?

  23. @ Marie, hens are happy to lay eggs whether you have a rooster or not. It's more if you want to breed them. Roosters can be hard on the hens.


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