Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday's Tails - 04/16/2013

I finally have proof that we have a barn cat! Meet Barn Kitty. He is usually VERY camera shy. We see him quite often but usually not close enough to get pictures. These pictures were taken through the kitchen window and the texture is courtesy of the window screen. LOL!!

Well, the other day, Jerry was working down at the barn so Barn Kitty decided he would come up by the house to get a drink of water. We keep his food and water (and Buddy's too) at the barn inside the fenced pasture so that there are no problems with coyotes or javelina stopping by for a snack.

We also have a water dish here at the house but hadn't been filling it up because Buddy and all the neighborhood dogs have been drinking out of the Cowboy Fish Pond. Since Barn Kitty is a little shorter than the dogs, we now keep it full! :)

Linking up with Nancy for Tuesday Muse.


  1. I can't wait to get a barn so that I can get some barn cats :)

  2. Such a pretty kitty.
    Harry the Farm cat is my mouser/gopher getter.

  3. You need to make him a couple more stairs!

  4. oh, he's cute! i SO need a barn cat! since losing tuxedo to illness last year, our mouse population is exploding!

  5. He's a beaut! Love the pictures of his long, lean self!

  6. Just too cute! Farmhouse hugs to you and barn kitty,

  7. nice looking cat. we had an orange cat that looked like him and was super shy. his name was george. miss having cats around.

  8. Looks like an adorable tabby cat!

    Visiting from Tuesday Muse.

  9. Oh he is adorable I have seen a new barn cat that has adopted us an orange Tom much like yours. Now there is three here. I cannot believe people are still dropping off cats.
    Will have to get to know them they are very skittish. I love your. B

  10. Until I clicked on the link about the "cowboy fish pond," I didn't notice the shape....I thought it was a barrel-shape instead of the tank. Cute!

  11. I'm glad you finally got the cat in pictures! How wonderful that he sticks around (or is it a she?)to keep rats and mice away! Barn cats are an important part of a farm. Makes it hard to feed the birds, though but I imagine you have way too much other feeding to do to worry about bird feeders! :-)

  12. Candy, love the pics of the cat. Take care

    PS Imay be on the other side of the world but we are all affected by the events at the Boston Marathon - so random, so horrible. Thinking of all my friends in the US today.

  13. Awww that is too cute! I just love the photos. What a sweet kitty :)

  14. I always love the orange color kitties . Is his name Pumpkin ... the barn cat bumpkin :)???? Yup Im corny

  15. What a cutie! Pretty soon he'll be coming around you more often.

  16. I love the cowboy fish pond! We have had a barn cat since we bought the place. I assume the neighbor feeds him. He likes to perch in the barn and scare the crap out of us. Your cat looks a lot more friendly!!

  17. Oh! He's an orange stripey!!! How wonderful! :)

  18. What a pretty barn kitty. I LOVE the texture! :-)

  19. Barn Kitty looks like our Jack. A fine feline! :)

  20. I have 4 cats .Only one is a outdoor cat. My neighbors love her because not only does she kill mice, but gophers as well.Which saved our gardens last year.

  21. When my daughter's horse was here, we used a bucket to water her. We often saw the barn cats drinking out of it like your barn kitty. So funny.

  22. Awww...how cute is your barn kitty. Have you named him?


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