Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday Muse - 04/02/2013

I was really taken with the color of this pansy, the blue was just so beautiful!! :)

Joining Nancy for Tuesday Muse.


  1. The color is great and they seem to be just a happy flower!

  2. Beautiful, I love happy little pansies. Since the weather in New England is still very chilly they are about the only thing adding color to my garden. Hurray for colorful, hardy pansies.

  3. That is a beautiful flower!

  4. They are beautiful flowers and so easy to take care of.

  5. That is a great shot, good job!

  6. Oh, I love pansies. I like how they can bloom even when it is still cold outside. It's like they just know we need some color. :)

  7. I always buy blue ones for my window outside my kitchen window...

  8. And the happiest flower of all, I think, is a pansy! Lovely photo, Candy!

    I am enjoying Tuesday Muse and ABC Wednesday! And of course Fridays Fences and Random 5 Friday! I think it's stretching me creatively to be a part of all these, and I am enjoying the new contacts as well!

  9. Oh yes, count on pretty pansies to brighten up spring. Nice photo.

  10. Oh yes, count on pretty pansies to brighten up spring. Nice photo.

  11. The greens of daffodils are just starting to come up here. How pretty.

  12. Pansies have such wonderful personalities, don't they? I often wonder why I don't plant them... I certainly enjoy seeing them in the plant nursery.

  13. I'd have to go to the nursery where there is a hot house to see one of those right now! LOL

  14. That is a very beautiful blue! It's so deep that it almost looks purple. I like how you edited the photo and added the quote :)

  15. Pansies are one of my favorite flowers. This one is gorgeous Candy!


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