Monday, April 1, 2013

What I Did Last Week

It's kind of hard to tell from the picture, but that is actually a royal purple. The expectant mother is very clear that she wants absolutely NO PINK for her little girl and prefers purple and red! :)
I decided to go with a cocoon and matching hat for this baby. When those were finished, there was leftover yarn so I made a diaper cover. I really like the textures in these crocheted pieces.

The yellow afghan I showed last time is for a different little girl due later this summer. I didn't get a chance to work on that one last week but was thankful to get at least one of the gifts finished.

I also did my baking for the Farmer's Market and made some signs for my booth on the computer. I had the signs laminated and hung them from my EZ-Up. They did draw people in.

I forgot to take a picture of my table until I had already sold some things but you can see how much baking I do each week.

Each batch of bread or rolls yields two packages, a batch of muffins yields six, there were six Toaster Tarts, nine packages of Rugelach and 29 packages of cookies.

It keeps me pretty busy each Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, I run a couple of errands, get everything ready for Saturday and print my menu and all my labels. Every item has to have a label per the rules of the Home Baked and Confectionary Goods Program through the state of Arizona. I'm really glad that they now allow the sale of home baked goods. I'm certainly not getting rich doing this but it does buy all the groceries each week, which helps, and I get to pursue my passion of having my own little Bakery! :)

Linking up with Dolly for The Creative Blog Hop this week.


  1. Wow! That is a lot of baking! Cute baby items too.

  2. That is a lot of work! How do you keep things fresh from Monday to Friday?

  3. You are indeed crazy busy but your baking looks AMAZING. The baby gift is very cool and I think she will indeed love it!

  4. Teresa,
    I freeze everything as soon as it has cooled. That is one of the nice things about baked goods, they freeze very nicely! :)

  5. This is a lot of baking! This is perfect if your hobby is baking. I love the fresh baked goods at farmers markets.

  6. i would be one of your regular customers... *sigh*

  7. Wow, that is a lot of baking! I'm sure it does keep you really busy through the week. Your booth looks great! I'd definitely come visit if I lived in the area :)

  8. They do freeze beautifully; that's what I do for bake sales up here. I am known for my challah rolls and everyone wants them.

    You are a baking queen!

    I love the "cocoon"

  9. Not only does it all look delicious, but it all looks so professional, too! You have a nice selection of each item and it's so nicely packaged. I believe a bakery could well be in your future!

  10. Oops! I got so wrapped up in your baked goods, I forgot to add how much I liked the baby gifts! Crocheting really adds wonderful texture to things, doesn't it?

  11. How cool! Is the market you sell your goods at in Benson?

  12. I like that they have allowed home baked goods--I hate all the store bought stuff. Sometimes you just don't have the time to bake, but you want something homemade!

    Cute cocoon! No pink? :( I'm guessing that is the only color her little dolly is gonna want to wear. Hee! Hee!

  13. Your booth and your baked goods look fantastic!

  14. That looks like a lot of work.

  15. Nice job! So what's the "cowgirl" cookie? You don't need to post the recipe, just curious:)

  16. That cocoon is just so adorable. (And everyone else has said it--but that is a lot of baking. :)

  17. The yellow afghan is precious, but so is the cute little purple and red set! Different choice of colors, but so darling! You have to please those mamas! :-) Loved the signs for the shop at the FM! They look so professional! Great job all the way around, Candy!


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