Friday, June 7, 2013

Random 5 Friday - 06/07/2013

1.  I love my purple irises and have been wanting some yellow ones for awhile. My "neighbor" at the Farmer's Market had some lovely, fragrant yellow iris plants for Mother's Day so I bought myself some.

2.  We are off to The City today for a major, scheduled car maintenance. We have to be there at 8 AM so I had Bob cat get me up at 4:15.

3.  Actually, Bob cat gets us up around 4:15 EVERY morning. (sigh)

4.   It's been over a week since I have had time to do a blog post and I'm behind in my blog reading too. I hope to get caught up with everyone in the next few days.

5.  Oh yeah, we became grandparents last week!! Jerry's son and his girlfriend had a lovely little girl, JayCee Bella, on May 29th. Jerry made a quick trip up to Flagstaff to meet her and we will both be going in a couple of weeks. The only pictures I have so far are blurry cell phone shots but will be taking lots and lots when we go up. You have been warned!! :)

Joining Nancy for Random 5 Friday.


  1. JayCee Bella what a beautiful name I cannot wait to see the photos. Have a nice weekend. B

  2. JayCee Bella that is a catchy name, I love baby photos. 4H15 was my Dad's getting up time, we didn't live on a farm, he loved the quiet and the sun. The City must be a long way away.

  3. Beautiful iris! I think my Mom will separate out some iris corms for me this fall when she digs up hers. She has dark purple and yellow ones.

    Visiting from R5F.

  4. Awww, congratulations!

    I did a major car thing last Friday. Not fun. For me or my finances. And I still need two new front tires. Hopefully that'll come next month.

  5. Funny, all around us purple irises are blooming, yet I'm still waiting for mine but I looked out the window and saw yellow ones blooming...I don't remember having any yellow irises!

    Congrats on your new grandbaby. Can't wait to see her! :)


  6. Congrats on the new addition to the family! Love the color of your iris. I only have purple ones.
    Have a great weekend!

    What a smart baby to choose your family.


  8. Welcome to the world, JayCee Bella! I love bearded iris and can't grow them here. I think I'm going to take a break from cyperspace -- I seem to spend too much time with blogs and FB. I'm wondering what the world is like without them! :D But, I so enjoy visiting with everyone! Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Congratulations on Jaycee Bella! I love bearded iris, I only have the deep purple ones, and would like to get more colors some year!

  10. Bring on the baby pics! I wake up between 4-4:30 every morning, seven days a week. Even without canine or feline help.

  11. gorgeous iris ... hope all goes ok with the car check-ups. enjoy your weekend. ( :

  12. Congratulations. New babies are so much fun.

    You need a cat with a different time zone adjustment.

  13. congrats on the expanding family! :)

    laughing at bob cat. :)

  14. Pretty irises, one of my fave flowers! Congrats! No grand kids here yet, but one of these years...

  15. Yep. Forewarned. Okay. I'm girding my loins. :) Congratulations!

  16. Congratulations on the grandchild! That's a lovely name. :-)

    Good luck on the car maintenance. I dread things like that.

    The yellow iris is so lovely!

    Happy Friday!

  17. How nice for you -- I just love babies! Can't wait to see photos.

    Lovely iris -- I have one very similar to that one.

  18. Very pretty Iris. I have a few but don't have a yellow one (yet.)
    Congrats on the new baby, it will be fun to see photos.

  19. Awww, congratulations!!! How exciting to have a new member of the family.

    Getting up at 4:15 every morning?! Yikes! And here I thought 5:45 was early! haha.

  20. I love and have purple iris too, bet yellow mixed in with them would be really pretty. I'm in a no color period at the moment. Iris done and the Lilly's haven't started just green currently. Must be the day, you're the 3rd person I've chatted with today who's a new grandparent. Hope all goes well, one mentioned without people being married things can be tenuous for grandparents. Looking forward to some cute pictures.
    Sandy for Friday 5

  21. Funny....I was just visiting the iris in my youngest sister's garden and she commented that she's "not much of a yellow person," so she got rid of some of the yellow flowers. Now she has too many purple ones.

  22. Congrats on being a grandma!!! My Iris' are white...big, beautiful and loaded with blooms! My son is giving me some of his purples this Fall which should be awesome...:)JP

  23. If you're ever in the east...I have a bunch of iris I could share with you! :) Congratulations on the new grand baby...I like the name!

  24. Congrats Grandmaamaa! And what a beautiful name! And maybe they can name the next one....Iris! ;)

    The Goat Borrower

  25. a new grandbaby, what an exciting time. I can't wait to see pictures of her.

  26. Awe, congrats on becoming grandparents!

  27. Congratulations, you two! I can't wait to see photos of JayCee Bella. May 29th is our Anniversary! :-) Lovely yellow iris. We were away for the weekend...will be posting those pictures next week. Take care! Hope to see you soon.

  28. Candy, lovely flowers. Congratulations on the baby! And 4.15 is a very early start indeed! I hate getting up in the dark.

  29. Congrats! It's great being grandparents.

  30. Congratulations on becoming grandparents! I understand behind. I'm so far behind with all the kidding around here that I'll never be caught up. Really.


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