Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch/Tuesday Muse - 06/11/2013

Taking a quick break from my baking to join Nancy for Tuesday Muse and Patrice for Chats on the Farmhouse Porch, which is under the big crabapple tree this week. :)

1.  How many times a week do you have a green or veggie salad?

Two to three times a week. I would like to have them more often but it isn't Jerry's favorite thing. ;)

2.  Do you pray? (You may skip this if you do not wish to answer.)

Hmmm...not in the traditional sense...

3.  What season is your birthday? You do not need to give us the date.


4.  Do you have dinner guests often, every now and then or not at all? Wendell says he can be there for dinner as quick as a wink!

We very, very rarely have dinner guests, like once or twice a year. We do go out to dinner with friends about once a month though.
Wendell, I'm not so sure I could afford to have you stop by for dinner; I have heard you eat like a HORSE!!

5.  Could you describe yourself as a DIY- Do It Yourselfer?

Yes! I absolutely hate to pay someone to do something that I figure I can do myself. Most of the time it works! LOL!!


  1. ♥ the vintage look of your photo and those spice jars are adorable!

  2. Hummels are always such a treat to see Candy. Thank you for sharing at TM this week. xo

  3. Oh Candy I love your canisters and I LOVE your answers. Wendell does eat like a horse yes I have heard that too:) B

  4. We hardly go out to eat here - everything is so far away. I love salad and the spinach is just starting to come in. I don't get it in winter 'cause we won't buy lettuce or greens in the store any longer.

  5. I love your spice jars! How wonderful! Thankfully, I don't have to worry about anyone else so I can eat my salad every day! I, too, prefer my own lettuce, so it's slim pickings until spring.

  6. yes, thinking wendell would eat you out of any salad fixings...

  7. I agree with the others. Your spice jars are great, so pretty. :)

    Have a great week!

  8. My baking begins next week! I am so ready for some fresh lettuce out of the garden.

  9. Love these darling canisters!!! Are they truly vintage?

  10. Those are pretty awesome canisters. Think how many Peanuts they could hold. :)

  11. My father's cousin collected Hummels and she had those same spice jars!

  12. We've been eating lots of salad lately since our lettuce is growing out of control!

  13. Candy, I had a lot of similar answers to yours.

    I like to have folks over for dinner--nothing fancy, but I like having company.

    And while I like to do things myself, I'm getting to the age where I just can't get to the big projects anymore. We paid painters for the first time EVER. I have to admit it was nice to have them paint our family room with really high ceilings. ;)

  14. Just gotta add my two cents worth...I LOVE your spice jars just like everybody else!!! ;-)

  15. Love your spice jars. I have to bake bread tonight. Just waiting for it to cool down a bit.

  16. Dinner guests - we rarely have a formal dinner with guests except for holidays but we have many impromptu dinners where people just show up because they know we have a fire either on the courtyard or up at the bonfire. They pull out snacks, meat, etc. It's like the loaves and fishes sometimes! Much more fun than organized dinners.

  17. We hardly ever have dinner guests - my kitchen is covered with canning stuff all summer long. Ha ha ha!

  18. What sweet canisters. - Always fun to learn more about you.

  19. Spice Jars! I've never seen any like those before . . . nifty.

  20. Spice jars made me smile. thanks for sharing.

  21. Love your answers,
    especially the DIY one.

  22. Goodness, I just didn't have time to sit on the porch and chat this week, but I loved hearing your responses. Love the picture!

    Dang Blogger says my OpenID url is missing, so I'm using Millie's Blogger ID.

  23. Wendell does eat like a horse. He's kind of messy too. I like your Hummel spice jars. :)


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