Friday, June 14, 2013

Random 5 Friday - 06/14/2013

1.  This sweet little cottontail was hanging out in the back yard this morning when I went out to milk the goat. He stayed put, munching on the grass, while I went back in for the camera.

2.  It is HOT here. It has been over 100 degrees every day for the past week and they are predicting over 100 for the next five to seven days too. Blech.

3.  When it is hot like this, I don't feel like cooking or eating very much. There have been lots of sandwich nights recently and we will be having a big salad for supper tonight.

4.  I finally joined Sam's Club last month to save money on my baking supplies for the Farmer's Market. I can't believe what a difference it has made! Now I feel silly that I waited so long! LOL!!

5.  Smirnoff has a new (to me anyway) Blueberry & Lemonade malt beverage out that has become my new favorite summer 'beer!' :)


  1. Cute little cottontail, but I know they are hard on gardens. We're waiting impatiently for the 80+ degree weather to return. I haven't had the Blueberry & Lemonade, but like several other flavors of Smirnoff....

  2. cute bunny! yay on the grocery savings! i hope it is rather close for you, too.

    we're at 96 here. sticky, too.

    i stocked up on cereal when i was at walmart this week - that's my 'too hot to really eat' meal. :)

  3. Miss Candy,

    We keep getting nice timely rain and temps in the low to mid 70's. The pastures and crops are looking a lot better after our May 25th hail storm.

    I don't feel like eating much when we get to the heat of summer. Lots of salads, sandwiches and fruit.

    Sam's Club is usually a must stop on our trip to the Big City. When we only get to town and stock up every other month or so, it is a must. I have started to do more non-food buying on line.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. So that's why I still have an appetite - it has been too cool around here. There is still hope - yea!

  5. My best friend lives in AZ, and I know it's been over 100 there for about a week at least with little relief in sight. I visited her in May, and it was actually quite pleasant. Perhaps your little visitor was too hot to hop away!

  6. I have had some of the Smirnoff drinks. I really enjoy them. I will have to try this one.

  7. I never heard of Blueberry and Lemonade Malt beverage - how interesting- . . sounds like ancient history revisited . . That bunny is super cute . . and, Please stay cool.


  8. I am afraid we are in for a long hot summer, today is only the 3rd day this month that was under 100.

    I keep a lot of hard boiled eggs, frozen shrimp and tomatoes for big shrimp louie salads. All I eat in the heat is salads. Cold cooked chicken also. So many thinkg you can throw into salads. Cold cooked pasta also makes good base when I run out of lettuce or greens.

  9. Cute bunny. I buy bulk flour from Sams.

  10. Wow wish we could divide our low temperature with your high temps and we would both be perfect our high has only been 22c not sure what that is but way under 100f not hot enough to dry nor cut hay.
    I am glad you found a cheaper place for your supplies.
    Bunny so cute. Have a nice weekend at the market. Keep cool I will keep warm:) B

  11. Sweet cottontail, and how good oh im to hang out so you could take the photos! :)

    Gack! I don't like extreme heat either.

  12. What a cute bunny! Gosh, it has been hot in your neck of the woods. I can't stand heat like that. Luckily we haven't been too hot yet here in MO. I've been thinking of joining Sam's Club lately. I need to figure out if it would be worth it for me, but I think it would!

  13. We do have Walmart, but no Sam's Club. I used to shop there when I lived in the suburbs many years ago.

    Cute lil' bunny -- I hope he behaves himself around your plants! :)

  14. Yuck, I don't like it when it is that hot. Be sure to put some water out for your bunny friend. (He sure is cute!)

  15. We have a Sam's Club membership too - saves us a ton on oil for soap making, not to mention other supplies (paper towels for homemade goat teat wipes etc).

  16. when it gets hot here, I get in the habit of just a bagel for supper. Like your cute little hoppy friend. :-)

    So blogger won't let me use my open ID, so I'm borrowing Millie's.

    Teresa @ Eden Hills

  17. The heat is already just so oppressive! :-( We went to Mt. Lemmon yesterday and really enjoyed the 85 degrees, pleasant breeze, and even some rain! :-) You should have heard us "I smell rain!" "We just drove through a puddle!" :-)

    Loved your cottontails. Have an awesome visit with the new grandbaby!

  18. Temps near or above 100 are horrible, at least in St Louis- humidity. I was in Las Vegas at 100 and it wasn't nearly as bad! Congrats on your baking savings, good luck at the farmers' market.


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