Friday, August 23, 2013

Random 5 Friday - Red Edition

1.  When you adopt a pet from the Animal Shelter, you never really know just who you are getting, especially when they were brought in as a stray.

2.  Red is a 4-year-old Kelpie, a hardworking Australian stock dog breed with lots of energy. You would think, then, that he would have spent his prior life on a farm or ranch outside. Imagine our surprise when he wanted to follow us into the house Wednesday! We let him in to see what would happen...

3.  Outside, he is always on the move. He loves to go with Jerry when he takes the horse out. He loves to go for walks. He loves to accompany us down to the pasture to feed and take care of chores. He loves to go with Jerry in the truck. If we try to leave him in the pasture with Buddy, he paces back and forth at the gate and, eventually, escapes.

4.  He is an entirely different dog in the house. Inside, he is calm and quiet. He is housebroken. He lies on the floor with us while watching TV. The first night inside, he was a little restless and did a fair amount of pacing. None of us got much sleep that night. Last night, he settled right down.

5.  So, you adopt a dog thinking he is an outside ranch dog and will be a pasture mate for Buddy and end up with a good, good house dog that loves being outside with us too! ;)

P.S. Buddy is really okay out in the pasture by himself so don't feel bad for him.

Joining Nancy for Random 5 Friday.


  1. You really never know. He will keep you company instead

  2. It's fun getting to know a new animal. I'm glad that Red likes indoors and outdoors! Your dogs are really pretty.

  3. you have two handsome boys. i hope each will be happy in their own way. :)

  4. There is a lot to be said about adopting a 'surprise package'. I have a 'hound mix' that would rather be hand fed peeled grapes (beef flavored) while lying on the couch. Sounds like you have the best of all worlds, dog-wise.

  5. Awwww....Buddy and Red are both wonderful dogs. How neat to have a "house dog". I wish our Cricket was calmer when we let her inside with us. She's just a hyper type dog. Now my mom's dog is much calmer and loves to be held

  6. Awww so sweet! I just love that he has found a good home with you guys. Seems like he is already working his way into your hearts :)

  7. You've lucked out with a good dog, often they have been abused and don't adapt so easily. Glad to see you are both in good company.

  8. You must have the happiest home . .
    Brilliant Post - Thank you for taking time to share with us.
    Happy Friday!

  9. Well, I think I'd rather be inside with you all too! Maybe he got a taste of some of those homemade meals and desserts of yours.

  10. What great dogs you have. We, also, believe in adoption/rescue.

  11. Go figure. You may have to find Buddy another buddy to hang with out there. :P

  12. Ah sounds like he loved human company :)

  13. Red sounds like a good dog for your family. I've had shelter cats and yes, you never know how they will be. I have 2 sweet ones now, Murphy and Emily. And they love each other -- that's a first with my cats!

  14. Bless you for adopting this sweet baby. All our animals were rescues too.

  15. Red sounds to have the best qualities of a farm/ranch dog. So happy for all of you. :)

  16. Good for you for adopting this handsome guy. He will give you lots of love. Sounds like a match made in heaven!

  17. Handsome dog! He is probably delighted to have found a place to stay where he can be indoors sometimes!

  18. So glad it's working out! Beautiful dogs.

  19. I'll bet he's thrilled to be living with you! Have fun with him!

  20. Nice! Your right you never know what your gonna get, but it sounds like you got a real nice dog!!

  21. How cute! I think both dogs have found their place on the ranch!....

    Coming to town any time soon? We should get together for lunch or something. Give me a call some time this week or next!

  22. We adopt our pups also! They bring you surprises and smiles. Our latest, Jasmine we adopted 7 years ago. They told us since she had been abused she would not be an affectionate dog ever, but be very aloof! NOT SO! She just wants loving all the time! :-)


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