Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday's Tails - 08/20/2013

We picked up Red from the Animal Shelter this afternoon. He seems to be none the worse for wear from his surgery yesterday. Well, except for the nasty doggie farts in the car on the way home! (Gag!)

The introductions to Buddy, the barn kittens, the horses, the chickens and the goats went well for the first time. The kittens just hissed at him and hid under the hay and the goats were 'on point' the whole time they could see him, which is to be expected when introducing a new "Wolf" to the barnyard. Red and Buddy will get along just fine.

I do hope this works out though. It is a stormy afternoon here in Beautiful Southeastern Arizona and Buddy is a big scardey-dog about thunder. His safe zone is under the front porch during storms and he AIN'T coming out for NOTHIN'. We did manage to keep Buddy in the pasture when we brought Red home and I went down to sit with the dogs in the barn to get them settled. Red left and ran up to the gate but came back when I called him, the first time anyway. The second time he ran to the gate, he just scooted his butt right under and headed towards the house. I think he was looking for Jerry, who seems to be his designated human. Since he was already out, I went ahead and let Buddy out so he could go under the porch and not be so neurotic. Red went in the shop with Jerry and promptly settled down under the work bench.

I don't know what is going to happen tonight. I think Red would climb the fence to get up to the house even if we blocked the space under the gate. I sure hope he is still here in the morning. At least he has a collar and tag on in case he wanders off. Wish us luck...


  1. he is a pretty guy! poor buddy. i've always had at least one dog that is terrified of storms (i've got 1 1/2 now that react badly - it takes louise a while to wind up. :))

  2. Good luck! At least he runs to the house.

  3. Oh gosh, here's hoping Red adjusts quickly and realizes what a wonderful home he just fell into. Dogs are very adaptable but the "newness" of everything has got to be a little unsettling right now. (Ha! I know how I feel when I'm in different surroundings!)

  4. Good luck, the adjustment period is so hard foe everyone involved, both the humans as well as the animals.

  5. Hope they all learn to get along. It's hard to introduce new animals.

  6. I'm assuming no house dogs for you? Maybe buy him a thundershirt :)

  7. best of luck with the adjustment period-he is such a handsome guy and needs you guys-do the dogs not share the house?

  8. Ah! He's so cute. We have one dog who hates thunder too. We bought him a thundershirt and it does help him.

  9. Now I am waiting to see how your night with Red went. I hope he settles down soon and becomes the happy pet he is meant to be.

  10. So glad to hear the surgery went okay. Hope the new dog gets settled in and everything goes smoothly with the other animals.

  11. Wishing you a super great outcome and a happy happy fur family.

  12. Awww I hope he does ok! He's very cute. So glad you are giving him a good home :)

  13. He's been through alot these past few days -- I hope the adjustment goes well Candy.

  14. I do hope he adjusts and works well for you guys. It's always stressful when there are changes, and he's had a lot recently.

  15. Hope Red stayed home! He's a sweet-looking dog, and I hope he is settling in well. Glad he got along with Buddy OK. I heard you had a gully-washer in Cochise Co! Hope no damage with all that rain!


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