Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pear Ginger Crisp

We harvested the fruit from our Kieffer Pear tree last week. We ended up with 20 pounds of pears from our little, 8-foot-tall dwarf tree! :)

I used some to make spiced pear jam in the slow cooker (works GREAT for the PB&J cookies), we have been eating them fresh, I gave some away and I used some to make this crisp last Sunday. What a lovely recipe! Between the maple syrup, fresh pears, dried cherries and oatmeal topping this is a fabulous dessert for fall!

The original recipe, from Simply Recipes, is for a pie but I didn't have time to properly chill the dough for the crust that afternoon so I decided to just go with a crisp. The only other change I made was to add about a cup of dried cherries, dried cranberries would be nice too.

The Bisbee Farmer's Market has a pie baking contest every fall and I put some of the pears in the refrigerator to keep so that I can enter this pie in the contest. Actually, I never told ya'll, but I WON the pie baking contest last year for a Peach Blueberry pie. It was my first week attending that market and, honestly, I was a little embarrassed about winning. LOL!!

Linking up with the Rurality Blog Hop, Farmgirl Friday and What I Am Eating.


  1. Oh Candy I have the same problem LOTS of pears and I was wondering what to do with them all. I guess it is no longer a problem. The slow cooker recipe sounds interesting:) Congrats I know if I lived near you I would be dropping in all the time:) Hug B

  2. I love pears! The taste is like nothing else. I used to make pear butter every fall, but somehow have gotten out of the habit.

  3. Oh looks and sounds absolutely delicious ~ great shot,
    carol, ^_^

  4. I am knee deep in pears too.
    I had no clue one could make pear jam and I experimented and made up a ginger spice jam recipe that came out quite tasty. The things you learn

  5. That looks yummy. You should never be embarrassed about your delicious cooking!

  6. This looks so delicious! I'd love to have a little tree like yours. I told my husband we have to plant lots of fruit trees next year!

  7. Yummy! Our pear tree has never produced fruit.

  8. This sounds delicious. We lived in a house once that hand overhanging branches from a neighbors pear trees. Naturally we got a lot of fruit. We asked the neighbor about them and she said (we thought) that they were "keepers", meaning we could have them. Later in life I learned she actually had said they were "Kiefers". Hope she did not mind cause we kept them and made yummy pies.

  9. Abundance can be overwhelming, sounds like you have it under control! My Rurality:

  10. Looks delicious. My peach tree never does much. The peaches are the size of golf balls and get eaten by ants and birds before they even ripen. I love a nice, fresh peach.

  11. We just planted our pear trees and I can't wait for them to produce. I'm going to check out the recipe. Congrats on last years win, and I wish you luck on this years contest.


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