Friday, September 20, 2013

Random 5 Friday - 09/20/2013

1.  I never tire of the view from our front porch. The mountains always look different depending on the time of day, clouds, etc.

2.  Two weeks ago, Nancy posted a 'recipe' for a DIY shower cleaner. I tried it and must is by far THE BEST shower cleaner I have used in years, homemade or commercial! It is easily made and, because of the lemon juice, it isn't stinky like some I've tried. Thanks Nancy!! Here is the recipe from Nancy:

Simple: Fill a spray bottle half-full with white vinegar; add 1/4 cup lemon juice, then fill the bottle the rest of the way with dish detergent. Shake well then spray on and leave for about 30 minutes, then wipe off.

3.  I found a cute pattern online for a knit Baby Kimono that I'm going to make for grand-daughter Jaycee for Christmas. I probably should get started, huh?!

4.  Here in the next few weeks, we are going to get electricity installed down at the barn. It will be nice to have real lights and an outlet in my milking shed for a heater and/or a fan.

5.  Jerry took Red Dog with him to the horse auction last Saturday and met Red's former owner. I kind of figured that might happen living in a small town and all. Come to find out, the fella raises pretty high-dollar stock dogs and Red was one of his 'breeders.' Initially, he offered to buy him back but when he found out that we had to get him neutered to adopt him from the animal shelter, he changed his mind. He was glad the dog is okay and has a good home and had Jerry out to his ranch this past week. He also gave Jerry some literature on the commands to use. So, you really, really never know just who you are getting when you adopt a dog from the pound! ;)

Joining Nancy for Random 5 Friday and Jan and Jer for Friday's Fences.


  1. How the heck did he lose him in the first place?

    I think he's better off with the two of you.

    Like you, I never tire of my view either.

  2. my question, too - did he lose him? or was he sold to someone else who then lost him? glad it was a 'good' meeting and he's happy the dog has a good home, now.

    love your FENCE!

  3. Oh, Candy! What a view! I don't think I would tire of that either. I, too, think Red Dog is in much better (and loving) hands with you and Jerry. And thanks for the link to that cute baby kimono! I have a pattern, but it's not as nice as this one.

  4. that sounds like a great recipe - i need to try it - i have a hard time with i guess you would call it soap scum. it like to hang on for dear life. not fun. ( :

  5. Wow, you have an amazing view! It really is spectacular. I'll have to try out that shower cleaner. Cleaning the shower is my least favorite chore of all time!

  6. I love your view from your porch I could sit there all day. I am going to try the cleaner recipe wish me luck.

    Happy Shooting

  7. That is a gorgeous view.
    Glad Red Dog has a loving happy home with you.

  8. Make sure the wires that run through the walls are in conduit. You don't need rodents chewing on them and burning down the barn.

    I'll have to try your recipe. We have such hard water. Hard enough to stand on :)

  9. That is a beautiful view! I can see that the colours would change a lot with the weather.

  10. I wouldn't want to give my dog back to the previous owner. Good thing he was neutered.

  11. Wow that is cool about RED DOG a real treasure you have there. I am happy Jerry got to meet and find out more.
    I use Nancy's DYI shower cleaner oh yes it is wonderful.
    I really do think you should get started Christmas is just around the corner.
    Have a nice weekend. Hug B

  12. What a lovely view to wake up to every morning!

  13. I am back I forgot to say I LOVE your view I would jump out of bed to see that early every morning with out a doubt. Beautiful. B.

  14. Beautiful view that you have. I love our view as well, although very different from yours. We are flat here and it is just open. We have dubbed our home "Big Sky Acres" because we can see the sky everywhere from sunrise to sunset. Nature views are just spectacular. So glad that you take in and appreciate the beauty around you!

  15. So glad that cleaner worked out for you Candy -- I've been using all over the house and love it. :)

  16. I love the view from your porch too
    : ) Lordy I do miss the mountains. Interesting about Red Dog...

  17. What a gorgeous view.

    Golly I'm glad the story of Red Dog turned out okay.

    perfect outcome.

  18. I would never tire of that view, either!!! Fabulous! I just bought new shower stuff, but I might try that recipe in your post.

  19. woohoo, you are getting all fancy with that 'lectricity! ha, that will be a blessing for sure!

  20. What a beautiful view! I'm really going to have to get motivated to try that shower cleaner. Neat to have met Red's former owner.

  21. I can see why you wouldn't tire of that view, it's gorgeous.
    Will have to try out the shower cleaner.


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